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it. Well Christmas being over and all back to school and work etc. Albert asked me if I would go on a trip with him. I said "perhaps in the May holidays (no tuck shop)".

In the April I had a birthday and I came home and I knew he was home and when I went in he called out "mum" "yes" I said. "don't come in for a minute "why" "You'll see", so I went to the bedroom and took my hat and coat off and went and washed my hands. "You can come in now mum, into the lounge room". I said "why?" he said as he was coming in "happy birthday mum" and he came in with a lovely sponge and a pot of tea and I said "thank you but where is my wireless", "outside" he said and he uncovered this beautiful Rosewood Record Player and a card with it, it was truly lovely. He was a real good lad, so that was another bithday and the sponge he made, it was beautiful and he said he wouldn't be home for a couple of days.

It was always good when he was home, music all the time and singing. Well there were a few more trips put in and he used to spend a lot of spare time at Mareebra with his girlfriend Betty Flower. When he would be coming through Liverpool he would give me a ring and I would get his bath all ready for him and his tea, as he was a good eater and loved his food. We always had an idea when he would be home, but this night there was no phone call so I went to bed. Well I did not sleep and finally some car lights appeared through the windows and I said oh here he is now and with that footsteps down the path and a ring on the door. I said to myself he has gone without his keys so I opened the door and there stood a policeman. I said "what is wrong. My son isn't it". He is in hospital, he was very sick with a bad cold and I did not want him to go. "You are Mrs Wood arn't you". "Yes" I said. "May I come in" and by now Betty is right behind me, so he came in and told me to sit down, and then he told me that Albert had been killed at Wangaratta in Melbourne. Well the shock was far too much for me and asked if I were alone. I said "yes but I have the family", well he went and I could think of nothing else to do but phone everyone and let them know. Albert's boss phoned me very early and said I wanted to go to him and he said "you can not", the police asked him to go and identify the body. Also it was not Alberts fault it was a drunk in a utility truck and he was killed also, the other East Coast driver told him all about it. I thought to myself why did I have to loose him at this stage of his life. Well the body was brought back, funeral arranged, a very sad affair. "How do I know my son is in there" and the undertaker asked to open my hand and he dropped Albert's ring into it and asked me "does that answer your question" and I shook my head, it is all so real to me.

Well Dorrie Young next door to me became a great friend and still to this day (27/10/85). It takes time to forget but some things are never forgotten and that is losing a child and he was a young man. There is one thing I would like to know if Betty Flower can be found so as I could have a talk with her!

Some months went by and a knock came to the door and asked if Mr Albert Wood lived there. I said "he did, he is my son but he was killed in May". He told me he was sorry, anyway I asked what he wanted, and he said "I was going through the lay-bys and I found this" and it was a receipt almost paid for a washing machine. "No" I said, he must have done that for Mothers Day. I said "look I don't want it" So he took it 



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