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course on the other side of the General Homes Drive (Lovers Lane). The apples went well and so did the lost golf balls. We would put our foot on any if they came near us and we would sell them to others that had lost a ball because golf in those days were different to today.

Then we used to buy some chocolates at Coles and we would slip the label off and sell them in the plain silver paper. Another thing on a very hot day l would squeeze lemons and we would buy a block of ice and put in the babies tub and put water and sugar with the juice and they liked that for 3p (threepence) a glass and l would be flat out washing 4 glasses that was all we had so I had to wash and wipe them.

Now Albert and I are working on these rugs as l am nearly due to go to hospital for my third child and Ray has to still do his relief work and Albert too now so the 3 of us were very busy and the two girls are getting bigger all the time, now Mrs Jones came down to see me one day and she said "l have a present for your new baby when it comes. I have it in the car". well it was a lovely little cozy bye. They fold up with a canvas bed swinging they were really lovely. Well Nanna came to see us which she often did and she always has little goodies for us, like duck eggs and a turkey egg now and again, bran scones made from the bran that she used to feed the chooks on and they were great. She also brought jam and pickles that she made and when l showed her the cozy bye she said "l must save some more duckdown to make a mattress for it and a little pillow like what she made for Merle". So l said "the baby was due early December" and she said "well I will have to hurry, and you must all come home for Christmas. Now l must go and see Arch and Anne and the children and then on my way home".  We left it at that and I said bye.

Well the last week in November I went to hospital in dreadful pain. I was all prepared and the next thing the Doctor came to me and said "I am going to send you home, you have had what they call a false labour“. I was home exactly one week and when I appeared at the hospital I said "well this has to be it because I don’t only have pain I have also had a show. I think the baby must be lazy". Well they took me to the labour ward and said yes he's coming and I said "how do you know it is a he"? "I don't‘ he said. “its just a saying (he or she). well I said. “I hope it's a boy‘ and sure enough it was. My husband came to see me as he said "if it's another girl I won't be up". All is well. baby is fine. I0 days later I am home again and in my opinion if we did not get our I0 days rest we could never have coped with motherhood and raising children one after another, but I was happy now, I have 3 children of my own as I was a very lonely only child, and not knowing where or what next. So our young one has a lovely little cozy bye but Nanna has not yet made the mattress and pillow. but I made do with what I had, and by now we have acquired 3 bantam chooks, 2 hens, 1 rooster, Ginger, Betty and Jack.

Well the baby's name was Albert Raymond Wood. born 3rd December I933. Albert after his Uncle and Raymond after his father. so now he is happy and does not want to adopt a boy. Well now we are making dog rugs, leads, collars and muzzles, 2 ounce black leather, I could sew one of those up in 5 minutes. Albert had made patterns for all the different sizes of rugs. and the muzzles and the collar and leads were all selling well.


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