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arrived at Le Harve [Havre] at 2 P.M. on the 20/12/17 when we had to march 6 miles to the camp at Harufluer [Harfleur] we arrived there between 6 and 7 P.M. So on the 21/12/17 I went to Le Harve without a pass and had my name taken but I had a crook disc so I heard no more about it.  So we stayed in that camp till the 23/12/17 when we marched back to Le Harve station where we entrained at 4.30.  And on the 24/12/17 we passed through Etaples Buolonge [Boulogne] Calais St Omer and Hazelbrook [Hazebrouck] and got off at Castre then we had to march 1½ miles to the camp and it was snowing a treat and on the 25/12/17 we had a good dinner but it was a very quite time although a lot better than last Exmas on the 26/12/17 we left Castre to join our respective Btns again.  We had full marching order but when we got about a mile on the road they took our packs off us and sent them on by motor lorry.  We passed through Fletre, Meteran [Meteren] Bailual [Bailleul] where we halted and had dinner and it is still snowing and bitter cold and we started off again at 1 P.M  And about 2 P.M. we got into Belgium from France and we went through 2 ruined villages and arrived at Kemmel and joined the Btn. at Rossignol camp at 4.30 P.M. and I was met with a cheer from the boys and I told McCowan that I only came for my mail and go back as I had a very important engagement in Blighty at Easter.  On the 27/12/17 was on fatigue work making roads. 

On the 28/12/17 was inspected by the Btn Doctor.  On the 29 was road making on Messines Ridge.  On the 31/12/17 we left Rossignol camp and we went about 4 miles and stopped at Rows Wood in the support line and we stayed there doing general fatigue at night till the 8/1/18 when we went to the line and relieved B.Coy.  At 3.30 AM and we stayed there till 3.30 AM on the 10/1/18 when we was relieved by D.Coy. And while coming out I fell and twisted my right knee went to the Doctor and he marked me No Duty for 4 days so I laid in the dugout and could not move without a stick and it got that sore I went to the Doctor again on the 13/1/18 and he sent me away to hospital and I was telling McCowan about it when Cpl Edgerly came up and Mc told him what I had told him about being back in Blighty for Easter.  And the Cpl said that I had worked it well so I hopped out to the F.F.D. Station at Wyshattie then No. 2 F.D.S. then they sent me to D.R. Station at Lorce.  Then to No. 2 A.C.C. Station at Steenwerk where I stayed for the night.  And on the 14/1/18 I was put on No. 14 ambulance train and sent to No. 2 A.G.H. at Buolonge where I stayed with my leg in a splint till the 20/1/18.  And this is the tale I told the Major Doctor was talking to me and I told him that I was alright but I was waiting for him to send me to Blighty.  He said he could no send me over with that knee.  I said one word from you would go a long way then he asked me how long it was since I was in Blighty.  I said without a smile about 10 months.  Have you been wounded, no.  How much service have you.  I said 2 years.  Then he looked at my card and said he would see what he could do this happened on the morning of the 18/1/18 and in the afternoon the sister told me that I was marked for Blighty and I jumped with joy.  And all the rest of the boys asked me how much did I give him.  So on the 20/1/18 I left No. 2 A.G.H. at 1 P.M. for the boat her name was St. David owned by the Great Western Railway Coy. of England.  But we did not leave Boulouge  till 3 P.M. on the 21/12/18 then we crossed the channel to



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