Item 03: James McCall Young diary, 6 August 1918-6 August 1919 - Page 57

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Saturday March 8th
Had an examination by Doctor, will have to have an operation.

Sunday March 9th
Got orders to pack up ready to move to Rosee. Weather fine and calm.

Monday Mch. 10th
Left Agimont 10-30 a.m. went through Goshenee and Vodelee and camped in Rosee, had to walk all the way (12 kilos). Have a four roomed house all to our selves. Cook inside on open fire.

Tuesday March 11th
Have to pass in a lot of cooking gear; the 41st & 42nd are to join forces.

Wednesday Mch. 12th
41st & 42nd Cook houses joined together, also Q.M. Stores. All our horses and spare gear sent away.

Thursday Mch. 13th
After dinner went to Agimont on bicycle. Had a great reception got back just before dark.

Friday Mch. 14th
A glorious day. Gave the troops a blow out for tea.

Saturday March 15th
Went on leave. Left Rosee 10-30 a.m. Walked part way, rode part way to Florrenes. Arrived 11-30. Left in trucks for Chateleaux from there to Charleroi in Electric tram. Reported at Divi wing, then went for a walk round the town. Visited the Syph Wax works, shows some horrible sights.
7-30 reported back to camp, and had rations issued, then marched to Charleroi station, arrived 8-30 p.m., had to wait five hours on station for train. Did a perish with cold.

Sunday March 16th
Got aboard train (trucks) 1-30 a.m. Eighteen men in truck. Had a good fire all the time. Arrived in Calais 6 p.m. Passed through Lille and Armentieres, badly knocked about.
After an argument, marched to camp and put in huts. Drew blankets from store, had tea then went to bed. Cold.

Monday March 17th
St. Patrick's Day
Up at 6-30, handed in blankets then had breakfast. Fell in at 8-30. Marched off to boat in lots of 100 men.

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