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Friday Feby 21st
A very rough windy day. I got 12 letters from Aussie (4 from Wife). Rained all night.
Saturday Feby 22nd
12 horses sent away. Another football match; we won.
Sunday Feby 23rd
30 horses sent away to Dinant. All harness handed into store. Wrote letters all afternoon.
Monday Feby 24th
Another civilian funeral. Two men in 42nd battery killed.
Tuesday Feby 25th
Two more funerals (civilians. Made some "spotted dog" for the troops dinner. Bon.
Wednesday Feby 26th
Another draft read out. Peter got pulled out of bed. Weather cloudy and cool. Went out to supper, had to sing them a song.
Thursday Feby 27th
Some more horses sent to Givet to be sold. Received a packet of smokes from Edinburgh, also the photos of the Battery taken at Epagne.
Friday Feby 28th
Rained all night, started snowing while I was cooking breakfast. Horse sales at Givet. Got new tunic.
Saturday March 1st
Presentation of football medals by General Burgess.
Sunday March 2nd
Put forward time one hour (Summer time). Went out to Supper (eat pancakes and drank coffee until I could hardly move.
Monday March 3rd
Rained almost all day. Made two leather razor cases.
Tuesday March 4th
A big draft (56 men) went away for Australia, in motor wagons.
Wednesday March 5th
More rain. Made chops & spuds (fried) for tea. Went out for supper.
Thursday Mch. 6th
Muster parade, inspection by Dr. Rained all morning.
Friday March 7th
Got rid of tea engine. Big explosion in Givet, shook our house very much; Two civilians wounded by pieces of shell.