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Sunday Dec. 22nd
The bells in the Cathedral rang peals during the morning. Football match, 41st won again, so far unbeaten, won premiership of 11th Brigade.
Got six letters from Aussie, 2 from wife.
Monday Dec. 23rd
Rained all day. Party went out to shoot pigs, no success. Pay day.
Tuesday Dec. 24th
A heavy frost. Sunshine for a change. Sewed another pair of boots (5 prs.)
Started snowing before going to bed.
Wednesday 25th
Christmas Day, very busy getting dinner ready for the men. Had two sheep, 7 turkeys, 1 goose, 4 fowls, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage, Xmas pudding, Soup, Oranges, three kegs of beer.
Snow on all the surrounding hills. After tea scoured round trying to find our cooking dishes, but came a gutzer.
Thursday Dec. 26th
Didn't get up early, hadn't any dishes to fry the bacon in. Put in the afternoon mending boots.
Had pork chops for supper, cost nine francs per pound.
Friday Dec. 27th
Got parcel from Australia, came in very handy. Went to Dentist to get teeth repaired.
Roast pork and lamb for tea, a real mix up.
Saturday Dec. 28th
Raining again. Rained all day and night. Had a visit from the G.O.C. (General Burgess). Got my teeth from dentist, able to eat again.
Sunday Dec. 29th
A peculiar day, dull light showing up all the surrounding hills and towns. A civilian killed through an explosion (fooling with a fritz 5.9 cap and charge).
Monday Dec. 30th
Rained all day and night. Dance in the school room.
Tuesday Dec. 31st
Funeral went past cookhouse, priest chanting in front of the procession.
Another dance in School hall.
Wednesday Jan. 1st 1919
New Years Day.
Our battery gave a blow out to the children of the town. Father Xmas (Maj. Stevenson) presented toys to them all. The 48th