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a dead french woman.
Thursday Oct. 10th
Took the guard to fill water cart from a well 100 ft. deep (Hard work). Packed up after dinner. I had to wait behind and pack cooks cart with spare gear, left Montbrehian and went across country outside some towns, saw more dead than I could count. After travelling a couple of hours, the driver found out he was lost, I with two others went to try and find the lines, when we got back found he had cleared out, we then wandered round until dark, we we got a dose of gas, then camped in a farm house in some straw without blankets, got tea from some Yanks.
Friday Oct. 11th
On the road again 6 a.m. found H.Q. lines and had a cup of tea, then wandered on until we found some mates, had breakfast with them, then on again until we found the battery lines at Busigny, I was then put on cooking again, one of the cooks went on leave to "blighty". Plenty vetegables growing near us, living high on them.
10-30 p.m. Fritz started shelling all round us, wounded two men, killed five horses and wounded eleven, smashed two wheels on a wagon, kept up the shelling for over an hour, one landed not twenty yds. from my dug out.
Saturday Oct. 12th
Cleared out to new wagon lines after dinner, put in a quiet night for a change. Rained all night.
Sunday Oct. 13th
Just before dinner Fritz put over a barrage in front of us. The 42nd had 16 horses killed by shells so shifted their lines. W. Lewis came back from leave.
Monday Oct. 14th
A glorious morning, our planes very busy, so is Fritz with his antis. During afternoon saw a good "box on" between some planes, one of ours came down.
Tuesday Oct. 15th
Put in a quiet day.
Wednesday Oct. 16th
Rained all night and morning. After dinner went over to a german coal dump in search of a stove, but missed.
Thursday Oct. 17th
A fresh attack was made on Fritz. A very foggy morning. Got eleven letters from Aussie.
Friday Oct. 18th
Another attack opened. Tommies got knocked back. Moved off to a new position. Passed a batch of prisoners.
Saturday Oct. 19th
Another thick fog. Started raining during afternoon. A Yankee band is camped alongside us, played some good music.