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Tuesday May 20th
Parade 9 oclock, all our huts had to be scrubbed out. 30th Quota played and beat the 35th at Cricket.
Wednesday May 21st
The last of the 4th Division came into camp (52nd Quota). Evening went to lecture in Y.M.C.A.
Thursday May 22nd
3-30 p.m. Had to go on Guard. 7-30 went to Concert. 11-30 p.m. went on two hours shift.
Friday May 23rd
Came off shift 1-30 a.m. and went to bed. 5-30 a.m. on Guard again till 7-30 a.m. Third shift 11-30 to 1-30 p.m. A Glorious day. Got our paybooks back. 4 p.m. came off guard. Went to Concert.
Saturday May 24th
Another warm day. Finished blacking my leggings in Shop. Went to Pictures.
Sunday May 25th
A dull day. Went for a walk through Barford St. Martin, towards Dinton, came back through Lady Hurdcott's estate. Wrote letters during the afternoon. Evening Pictures.
Monday May 26th
Wrote letters all afternoon. Evening went to pictures.
Tuesday May 27th
9-30 Muster parade all ranks. Stitched leggings all afternoon. Evening, Concert in Y.M.
Wednesday May 28th
9-30 Muster parade.
After tea went to Salisbury by car and got box from station. Went through the Cathedral. Very old and very fine.
Thursday May 29th
Another muster parade, had our names read out for roll. Evening went to Concert, best concert so far in camp.
Friday May 30th
9 a.m. Parade. 10 a.m. Final medical inspection. 5-30 went to pictures. 7-30 Dance in Y.M. until 10 p.m. Very warm.
Saturday May 31st
9 a.m. Parade. Names of men on advance boat party read out. Weather very warm & dry. Did some washing. Went to Concert in Y.M.C.A. Had hot bath before going to bed.