From New Guinea to Batavia
Octr. 1770
Straits of Sunda
us again to Anchor in 22 fathom. Pula Baba bearing EbS½S distant 3 or 4 Miles. Our soundings from Bantam Point to this place was from 36 to 22 fathoms ~
Sunday 7th Light Airs from the Southward with frequent Calms at 6 o'Clock PM weighed with a light breeze at SSW which was not sufficient to stem the current & was therefore obliged to come too again in 15 fam. at 10 o'Clock weighed again & stood to the Eastward with the wind at SSE at 11 AM Anchor'd in 21 fam.
the W end of Wapping Island bore S distant 3 Miles & the Thousand Islands NbE½E distt. 3 or 4 Miles. found the Current still set to the Westward.
Monday 8th had it Calm until 4 in the PM when we got the Sea breeze at NE, very faint, with which we weighed & stood to the Eastward past Wapping Island & the first Island to the Eastward of it. falling little wind we were carried by the current between this last Island & the 2nd Island to the Eastward of Wapping Island where we were obliged to Anchor in 30 fathm. being very near a ledge of Rocks which spilled out from one of the Islands.
at ½ past 2 o'Clock in the AM weighed with the land wind at South & stood out clear of the Shoal where we were again obliged to come to an Anchor having Variable light winds attended with Thunder & rain. at 5 o'Clock the wear. being fair & a light breeze at S we weighed, but making little or no way against the Current we soon after came too again in 28 fam. near a small Island not laid down in the Charts. Pula Pare bore ENE distant 6 or 7 Miles. while we lay here a prow came alongside wherein were 2 Malayans who sold us 3 Turtles weighing 147 Pounds for a Spanish Dollar, some onboard thought them dear, but I thought they were cheap, founding my Judgment on the price, the two Dutchmen that were onboard before set upon those they had one of which we paid a Dollar for, that weighed only 36 pounds.
Tuesday 9th A little past Noon weigh'd with a light breeze at NE & stood to the Eastward until 5 o'Clock when not being able to weather Pula Pare we Anchd in 30 fam. the said Island extending from SE to SSW distant 1 Mile at 10 got the land wind at S, with which we weighed & stood to the ESE all night depth of Water from 30 to 22 fam. when we Anchd. at 10 o'Clock in the AM to wait for the Sea breeze the Island of Edam bore SWbW dist. 6 or 7 Miles. at Noon weighed & stood in for Batavia Road having the advantage of the Sea breeze at NNE.
Wednesday 10th According to our reckoning but by the people here
Anchor'd in Batavia Road [in margin]
Thursday 11th At 4 o'Clock in the PM Anchor'd in Batavia road where we found the Harcourt & Indiaman from England 2 English Country Ships. 13 Sail of large Dutch Ships & a Number of small Vessels. As soon as