State Library of NSW
New Wales or East Coast of New Holland
August 1770 we keept advancing to the WNW depth of Water 8, 7 & 5 fathoms. At 1/2 past 1 the Pinnace which was ahead made the Signal for Shoal water upon which we Tacked & sent away the Yawl to sound also & then Tack'd again & stood after them with the Ship; 2 hours after this they both at once made the Signal for having Shoal water. I was afraid to stand on for fear of running aground at that time of the Tide & therefore came to an Anchor in 1/4 less 7 fathoms sandy ground. Wallice's Islands bore South by West 1/2 West distant 5 or 6 Miles the Islands to the Northward extending from South 73 degrees East to North 10 degrees East & a small Island just in sight bearing NW 1/2 W. Here we found the flood Tide set to the westward & Ebb the Contrary. After we had come to Anchor I sent away the Master with the Longboat to sound who upon his return in the evening reported that there was a bank stretching North and South upon which were 3 fathoms Water & behind it 7 fathoms. We had it Calm all Night & until 9 in the morning at which time we weigh'd with a light breeze at SSE & steer'd NW by W for the Small Island above mentioned having first sent the Boats ahead to sound, depth of Water 8,7,6,5,4 & 3 fathoms when upon the Bank, it being now the last Quarter Ebb at this time the most Northermost Islands we had in sight bore North 9 degrees East the SW point of the largest Islands on the NW side of the passage which point I named Cape Cornwall bore East distant 3 Leagues.This bank at least or much as we sounded extends nearly North & South how far I cannot say, its breadth however is not more than 1/4 or at most 1/2 a Mile, being over the Bank we [disposed?] our water to 1/4 less 7 fathoms which depth we carried all the way to the small Islands ahead, which we reached by Noon at which time it bore S distant near 1/2 a Mile depth of water 5 fathoms. The most northermost land we had in sight (being part of the same Chain of Islands we have had to the Northward of us since we enter'd the Passage) bore N 71 degrees East, Latitude in by Observation 10 degrees 33 minutes South Longitude 219 degree 22 minutes West. In this situation we had no part of the Main land in sight being now near the Island & having but little wind Mr Banks & I landed upon it & found it to be mostly a barren rock frequented by Birds such as Boobies a few of which we shott & occasioned my giving it the name of Booby Island. I made but a very short stay at this Island before I return'd to the Ship in the meantime the wind had got to SW, & altho' it blow'd but very faint yet it was accompanied with a Swell from the same quarter this together with other concuring Circumstances left me no room to doubt but we had got to the Westward of Carpentaria or the Northern extremity of New Holland & had now an open Sea to the Westward which gave me no small satisfaction not only because the dangers & fatigue of the Voyage was drawing near to an end but by being able to prove that New
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