State Library of NSW
[Page 286] New Wales or East Coast of New Holland July 1770 ([In margin is written:] Endeavour River) at supper, they all fled upon his approach & Left him some fresh Sea Eggs & a fire ready lighted behind them but there was neither House nor Hut near. Altho' these shoals lay within sight of the Coast & abound very much with Shell fish & other small fish which are to be caught at Low water in holes in the Rocks yet the Natives never visit them for if they did we must have seen of these large shells onshore, about their fire place the reason I do suppose is that they have no Boats, that they dare Venture so far out at Sea in. Wednesday 4th Strong Gales at SEt & fair wear. PM the fishing Party returned with the usual success. at High water have the Ship afloat AM empld trimming her upon an even Kiel intendg to lay her ashore once more to come at her bottom under the Larboard Main Chains. Thursday 5th Strong breezes at SEt & fair wear. PM warped the Ship over & at high Water laid her ashore on the Sand bank on the So side of the River for I was afraid to lay her broad side to the Shore where she lay before because the ground lies upon too great a descent & she hath already recd some Damage by laying there these last Nip Tides at least she still makes water. Friday 6th Do wear at low water in the PM had hardly 4 feet of water under the Ship yet could not repair the Sheathing that was beat off the place being all under water, one of the Carpentr crew a Man I could trust went down & Examin'd it & found 3 Streakes of the Sheathing gone about 7 or 8 feet long & the Main Plank a little rubbed this ansr[?] agrees with the report of the Master & others that were under her bottom before The Carpentr who I look upon to be well skilled in his Profession & a good judge in these matters was of the Opinion that this was of little consequence & as I found that it would be difficult if not impractical for us to get under her bottom to repair it I resolved to spend no more time about it accordingly at high water hove her off & moor'd her alongside the beach where the Stores etc lay & in the AM got everything in readiness for taking them onboard & at the Same time got onboard 8 Tuns of Water & stow'd in the ground Tier in the after Hold in the Morning Mr Banks & Lt Gore with 3 Men went in a small Boat up the Harbour with a View to stay 2 or 3 days to try to Kill some of the Animals we have so often seen about this Place.
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