James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 283

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[Page 283]
New Wales or East Coast of New Holland
[In margin] Endeavour River
June 1770 AM they went to work repairing the Sheathing under the Larbd bow when we found 2 planks cut about half thro' early in the morning I sent a Party of Men into the Country under the direction of Lt Gore to seek for refreshmts they returned abt noon with a few Palm Cabbages & a Bunch or 2 of wild Plantains, these last were much Smaller than any I had ever seen & the Pulp full of small Stones otherwise they were well tasted. I saw myself this morning a little way from the ship one of the animals before spoke off, it was of a light mouse Colour & the full size of a Grey hound & shaped in every respect like one with a long tail which it carried like a Grey hound in short I should have taken it for a wild dog but for its walking and running in which it jump'd like a Hare or Deer another one of them was seen today by some of our People who saw the first they described them as having very small Legs & the Print of the Feet like that of a Goat but this I could not see myself because the ground the one I saw was upon was hard & the length of the Grass hindered my seeing its legs.
Monday 25th At low water in the AM While the Carprs were busy in repairing the Sheathing & Plank under the Larbd bow I got people to go under the Ships bottom to examine all her Larbd side she only being dry Forward, but abaft were 9 feet water they found part of the Sheathing off abreast of the Mainmast about her floor heads & part of one plank a little damaged, there were 3 People who went down who all agreed in the same story, the master was one who was Positive she had received no material Damage besides the loss of the Sheathing this alone will be sufficient to let the worm into her bottom which may prove of bad consequences however we must run all risque for I know of no method to remedy this but by heaving her down which would be a work of Imense Labour & time if not impractical in our Present situation.
The Carprs continued hard at work under her bottom until put off by the Tide in the evening, & the morning tide did not Ebb far enough to permit them to work upon her for here we have only one Tolerable low & high tide in 24 Hours. AM a Party of Men were employ'd ashore filling water while others were employed overhauling the rigging.
Tuesday 26th fair wear a SEt wind & a fresh Gale at low Water AM the Carprs finished under the Larbd bow & every other place the Tide would permit them to come at Lashed some Casks under the Ships bows in order to help to float her & at high water in the Night attempted to heave her off but could not she not being afloat partly owing to some of the Casks not holding that were Lashed under her. AM empld getting more Casks ready for the same purpose but I am much afraid that we shall not be able to float her now the Tides are Taking off.

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