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New Wales or East Coast of New Holland 32 to 32 fam. hard sandy bottom a little after sunrise I took sevl. Azmth. [Azimuth compass] with 4 Needles belong to the Azmth. Compafs the mean result of which gave the Variation 7º:36'E. at Noon we were by observn. in the Latde. of 33º:22' S. & about 3 Leags. from the land the Northernmst. part of wch. in sight bore N.19º.E. some pretty high Points which projected [Margin note] C. Three Points out in 3 bluff Points & occasioned my calling it Cape 3 Points/ Lat. 33º:33'/ bore SW. dist. 5 Leag. Longde. made from [Botany?] Bay 01º:19'E. ~ Wednesday 9th. Variable Light Airs & Clear wear. In the PM, saw some smooks [?smokes] upon the Shore & in the Evening found the Varn. to be 8º:25' E. at this time we were abt. 2 or 3 Miles from the land & had 28 fam. Water, our situation at Noon was nearly the same as yesterday having advanced not one Step to the Northward. [indec. date] Winds northerly, [indec.] a fresh breeze with which we stood off Shore, untill 12 at Night at the distance of 5 Leag. from the land had 70 fam. at the dist. of 6 Leag. & 80 fa. which is the Extent of the Soundgs. for at the Dist. of 10 Leag. off we had no ground with 150 fam. stood in shore until 8 o'clock AM & hardly fetched Cape Three Points having little wind at NWbN we tack'd & stood off until Noon at which time we Tack'd with wind at NNE then being in the Latde. of 33º:37' S. Cape Three Points bearing NWbW, distance 4 Leags. Thursday 10th. In the PM had the wind at NEbN with which we stood in Shore until near 4 o'clock when we Tack'd in 23 fa. Water being about a Mile from the land & as much to the Southwd. of Cape 3 Points in the night the wind veer'd to the NW. & W. & in the morning to SW. having the advantage of a light Moon we made the best of our way alongshore to the Northw., at Noon we were by obs. in the Lat. of 32º:53 S. and Long. 20º 8 W. & about 2 Leag. from the land which extended from N.41 E. to S.41 W., a small round rock or Island laying close under the Land bore S. 82º W. dist. 3 or 4 Leags. at sun rise in the Morning found the Variation to be 8º E. In the Lat.of 33º:2'S. a little way inland is a remarkable Hill that is shaped like the crown of a Hatt, which we past ab. 9 o'clock in the forenoon. Friday 11th. Winds Southerly in the [indec.] By the night westerly a Gentle breeze & clear wear. at [indec.] past at the distance of one Mile a low rocky point which I named [indec.] Latde. 32º:45'/ [Margin note] Port Stephens on the N. side of this Point is [indec.] which I called [Port Stephens?] Latde. 32:40 Longde.207º:57'/ that appear'd to me from the Mast head to be shelter'd from all Winds at the Entrance lay 3 Small Islands 2 of which were of a [indec.] & height & on the Main near the shore are some high round hills that [indec.] a distance like Islands in pafsing this bay at the dist. of 2 or 3 Miles from the Shore our soundgs. were from 33 to 27 fam. from which I
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