James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 253

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New Wales or East Coast of New Holland

[cap]able of producing any kind of grain, at present produceth besides Trees a fine Meadow as ever was seen however we found it not all like this some few places were very rocky, but this I believe to be uncommon. The stone is sandy & very proper for buildg & after we had sufficiently examin'd this part we return'd to the Boat, & seeing some Smoke & Canoes at another part we went thither in hopes of meeting with the People but they made off as we approached. there were 6 Canoes & 6 Small fires near the Shore & Mussels roasting upon them & a few Oysters laying near, finding this we conjectured that those had been just 6 people who had been out each in his Canoe picking up the Shell fish & come ashore to eat them where each had made his fire to sup there by, we tasted of their Cheer & left them in return Strings of beads etc. the day being now far spent we set off on our return to the Ship.
Friday 4th. Winds Northerly sereen [serene] Wear [weather] on my return to the Ship in the evening I found that none of the Natives had Appear'd near the Waterg place but about 20 of them had been fishing in their Canoes at no great distance from us. In the AM as the Wind would not permit us to Sail, I sent out some Parties into the Country to try to form some Connections with the Natives. one of the Midshipmen met with a very old man & Woman & 2 Small Children they were close to the Water side where several more were in there Canoes gathering of Shell fish & he being alone was afraid to make any stay with the 2 old people least he should be discover'd by those in the Canoes, he gave them a [?some dead animal?] he had Shott which they would not Touch, neither did they speak one word but seem'd to be much frightened, they were quite Naked even the Woman had nothing to cover her nuditie. Dr Monkhouse & another Man being in the Woods not far from the watering Place discover'd 6 more of the Natives who at first seem'd to wait his coming, but as he was going up to them he had a dart thrown at him out of a Tree which narrowly escaped him, as soon as the fellow had thrown the dart he descended the Tree &  made off with him all the rest & these were all that were met with on the Course of this day.
Saturday 5th. In the PM I went with a Party of Men over to the N. Shore &  while some hands were hauling the Sean a Party of us made an Excursion of 3 or 4 Miles into the Country or rather along the Sea Coast we met with nothing remarkable great part of the Country for some distance inland from the Sea Coast is mostly a barren heath diversified with Marshes &  Morafses, upon our return

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