State Library of NSW
New Wales or East Coast New Holland Place we were at 5 o'clock in the evening, by which it was apparent thatt we had been drove about 3 Leagues to the Southward by a Tide or Current in the night, after this we steer'd alongshore NNE having a Gentle breeze at SW & were so near the Shore as to distinguish several people upon the Sea beach. They appeared to be of very dark or black Colour but whether this was the real Colour of their Skins or the Cloathes they might have on I know not at Noon we were by Observation in the Latitude of 35 degrees 27 minutes & Longitude 209 degrees 23 minutes Cape Dromedary base South 28 West distance 15 Leagues, a remarkable peaked hill laying in land the Top of which looked like a Pidgeon house & occasioned my giving it that name, bore N 32 degrees 30 minutes West & a Small low Island laying close under the Shore bore NW distance 2 or 3 Leagues. Variation of the Compass 9 degrees 50 minutes East when we first discover'd this Island in the morning I was in hope from its appearance that we should have found Shelter for the Ship behind it but when we came to approach it near I did not think that there was evene security for a Boat to land, but this I believe I should have attempted had not the wind come on shore after which I did not think it Safe to send a Boat from the Ship as we had a large hollow Sea from the SE rowling in upon the land which beat every where very high upon the Shore & this we have had ever since we came upon the Coast. The land near the Coast still continues of a moderate height forming alternately rocky points & Sandy beaches, but in land between Mount Dromedary and the Pigeon house are several pretty high mountains, 2 only of which we saw but what were covered with Trees & these lay inland behind the Pigeon House & are remarkably flat a Top with Steep rocky cliffs all round them as far as we could see, the Trees in this Country hath all the appearance of being stout & Lofty, for these 2 days past the observed Latitude hath been 12 or 14 Miles to the Southward of the Ships account given by the Log which can be owing to nothing but a Current set to the Southward ________- Monday 23rd In the pm had a Gentle breeze at E, which in the night veer'd to the NE & N. At 1/2 past 4 pm being about 5 Miles from the land we Tack'd & Stood off SE & E until 4 am at which time we Tack'd & Stood in being then about 9 or 10 Leagues from the land. At 8 it fell little wind & soon after Calm. At Noon we were by observation on the Latitude of 35 degrees 38 minutes & about 6 Leagues from the land, Mount Dromedary bearing S 37 degrees W, distance 17 Leagues & the Pigeon house N 40 degrees W in this situation had 74 fathoms. Tuesday 24th In the pm had Variable light Airs & Calms until 6 o'clock at which time a breeze sprang up at N by W. At this time we had 70 fathoms water being about 4 or 5 Leagues from the land, the Pigeon house bearing N 40 degrees W Mount Dromedary S 30 degrees W & the Northermost land in sight N 19 degrees E. Stood to the NE until Noon having a Gentle breeze at NW at which time we Tack'd & Stood to the
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