State Library of NSW
Passage from New Zealand to New Holland April Departure from New Zealand Sunday 1st In the pm had a modte breeze at Et which in the Night Veer'd to the NEt & was attended with hazey rainy wear. I have before made mention of our quitting New Zeland with an intention to steer to the Westwd which we accordingly did, taking our departure from Cape Farewell in the Latitude of 40 degrees:30 minutes S & Longde 185 degrees:58 minutes W from Greenwich which bore from us at 5pm Nt 18 No Distance 12 Miles after this we steer'd NWt & WNW in order to give it a good birth until 8 o'clock at which time we steered Wt having the Advantage of a fresh Gale at N&Et at Noon our Latitude by acct was 40 degrees: 12 minutes So. Longitude made from Cape Farewell 1degree : 11 minutes West ________ Monday 2nd In the pm had a modte gale at N with thick hazey wear attended with rain at 8 it fell little wind & Veer'd to WSW at which time we Tack'd, at Midnight the wind came to SSWt & increased to a brisk gale with fair Cloudy weather which we made the most of as soon as it was daylight, At Noon our Latitude by observation was 40 degrees:0 minutes & Longde made from Cape Farewell 2 degrees: 31 minutes W. Tuesday 3rd Cloudy weather Winds at SW & SSW a fresh gale with which we made our Course good NW by W & distance run from yesterday at Noon to this day at Noon 381/2 Leagues. Latde by observn 38 degrees:56 minutes Longitude made from Cape Farewell 4 degrees:36 minutes W ____________________ Wednesday 4th had a steady brisk gale at SSWt with some flying showers of rain & a large hollow Sea from the Southward. In the pm unbent the Main topsl to repair & brot another to the Yard & set it close reefed. at Noon our Latde by Obsern was 37 degrees:56 minutes S. Course & distance since Yesterday at Noon N 60 degrees W 122 Miles Longde made from Cape Farewell 6 degrees: 54 minutes W _____________________ Thursday 5th Fresh Gales at S which in the am veer'd to SE by S. at Noon our Latde by observation was 37degrees:23 minutes South, Longde made from Cape Farewell 9 degrees 10 miles Wt Course & distance sail'd since yesterday at Noon N 73 degrees:15 minutes W 37 Leagues. ______________ Friday 6th Winds between the S by E & SEt with a Continued swell from the SSWt at Noon our Latde in per observation 37 degrees:18 minutes South. Course & distce sail'd since yesterday at Noon N85 degrees West 58 Miles. Longde made from Cape Farewell 10 degrees:35 miles West. ________________________ Saturday 7th Gentle breezes at NE which in the am Veer'd to NW. In the pm found the Varn by the Mean of Several Azimoths to be 13 degrees:50 minutes E being then in the Latitude of 37 degrees:23 minutes S & Longitude 106 degrees 44 minutes W. In the am punished Jno Boles Marine with 12 lashes for refusing to do his duty when order'd by the Boatswain's Mate & Serjeant of Marines. at Noon Latde by Observation 37degrees:35 minutes S. Longitude made from Cape Farewell 11 degrees:34 minutes W. Course & distance run since yesterday noon S 70 degrees:15 minutes W, 50 Miles __________ Sunday 8th Gentle breezes from the NW & N. In the pm found the Varn to be 13 degrees
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