James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 220

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[Page 220]
New Zealand
[in margin] 1770 March

Cape West trends away towards the SEt to the northwd of it, it Trends NNEt & NEt at 7 o'clock brot the Ship too under the Foresail with her head off Shore having a fresh Gale at SbEt, at Midnight it moderated & we wore & lay her head in shore until 4AM then made Sail & steer'd along shore NE½N having a modte breeze at SSEt, at Noon we were by obsern in the Latde45°:13'So Course & distce saild since yesterday N41°Et 62 Miles Longd made from Cape West 0°:29'Et being at this time about 1½ leags from shore sounded & had no ground with 70 fam Line a little before Noon we passed a little Narrow opening in the land where there appear'd to be a very Snug Harbour form'd by an Island lying in the Middle of the Opening at least such was the appearence, it lies in the Latde of 45°: 16' So Inland behind this Opening were Mountains the Summits of which were Cover'd with Snow that seem'd to have fallen lately & this is not to be wondered at for we have found it very cold for these 2 days past. The land on each side of the Entrance of this Harbour riseth almost perpendicular from the Sea to a very considerable Height & this was the reason why I did not attempt to go in with the Ship because I saw clearly that no winds could blow there but what was right in or right out, that is is Westerly or Easterly & it certainly would have been highly imprudent in me to have put into a place where we could not have got out but with a wind that we have lately found to blow but one day in a Month, I mention this because there were some on board that wanted me to harbour at any rate without in the least Considering either the Present of Future Consequences —

Thursday 15th Clear wear winds at SWt & SWbS a Gentle breeze except in the night when we had Variable light Airs & Calms, in the evening being about 2 Leags from the land we sounded but had no ground with 103 fam Variatn pr Azmth 14°: ' Et, pr Amplde 15°:2' Et with what wind we had we made the best of our way along shore to the NEt keeping at the distce of 2 or 3 Leags off from the Land, at noon we were in the Latde of 44°:47' having run only 12 lgs upon a NE¼N Course since yesterday at Noon - Longd made from C West 1:3' Et —

Friday 16th Winds at SW, a fresh breeze & clear Steer'd along shore NE¼Et untill 6PM when we shortend sail & brot too for the Night. Varn pr Azmth 13:48Et at 4AM made sail & Stood in for the land at day light saw the appearace of an inlet into the land but upon a nearer approach found that it was only a deep Valley bounded on each side by high lands, upon which we bore away NE¼Et along shore, keeping about 4 or 5 Miles off, at Noon the Northermst point of land in sight bore No60°Et distt 10 Miles, Latd p Obsn was 44°:5' Longd md from CWt [Cape West] 2:8' East.

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