State Library of NSW
[Page 217] New Zealand [In margin] 1770 March Thursday 8th Light Airs next to a Calm from SSEt to NEt with which we kept steering to the SWt but made but little way because of a swell which took us right ahead. At day light AM we saw or thought we saw from the mast head the land wch we have left to the northwd of us join'd to that to the SW of us & at the same time we imagin'd we saw the land extend to the Southd as far as SSW but after steering this Course until' noon we discover'd our Mistake for there was no land to be seen to the Southwd of Wt which Course we now steerd being by observn in the Latitude of 47°:12' So Longde made from Cape Saunders 2:2 West.
Friday 9th PM Winds at No a Gentle breeze & Clear wear, stood to the westwd until' sun set at which time the Extreams of the land bore from NbEt to Wt distt abt 7 or 8 Leags Depth of Water 55 fam Variation by the Amplitude 16°:29' Et the wind now veer'd to the Westwd & as the wear was fine & Moon light we kept standg close upon a Wind to the SWt all night: at 4 AM sounded & had 60 fam At day light we discover'd under our lee bow a ledges of Rocks on which the Sea broke very high extend from SbW to WbS and not above ¾ of a Mile from us yet upon sounding we had 45 fam a Rocky bottom, the wind being at NWt we could not wear the Ledge & as I did not care to run to leeward, we tackt & made a trip to the Eastd but the wind soon after coming to the No enabled us to go clear of all our soundings in passing within the Ledge was from 35 to 47 fam a rocky bottom, this Ledge lies SEt 6 Leags from the Southermt part of the land & SEbS from some remarkable hills which stand near the Shore. These rocks are not the only dangers that lay here for abt three leags to the Northwd of them is another ledge of Rocks laying full 3 Leags from the land whereon the Sea broke very high, as we passed these rocks in the night at no great distance & discover'd the others close under our Lee at day light it is apparent that we had a very fortunate Escape, I have named them the Traps because they lay as such to catch unweary Strangers, at Noon our Latde by Observn was 47°:26'So Longde made from Cape Saunders 3°:4' Wt the land in sight wch has very much the appearance of an Island extendg from NEbN to NWbW distt from the shore abt 4 or 5 Leags the Eastermt ledge of rocks bore SSEt distt 1½ Leags & Northermt NE½Et 3 Leags this land is of a moderate height & has a very barren Aspect, not a Tree to be seen upon it only a few Small Shrubs, there were several white patches on which the Suns rays reflected very strongly which I take to be a kind of Marble such as we have seen in many places of this Country, particularly to the Northward.
Saturday 10th PM Modte breezes at NWbN & No with which we stood close upon a Wind
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