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New Zealand
[In margin] 1770 February
hardly a possibility of its being so because we must have been more than double the distance from it at that time to what we were either last night or this morning at both of which times the weather was exceeding clear & yet we could see no land either to the Eastwd or Southwd of us, notwithstanding all this Mr Gore was of the same opinion this morning, upon this I order'd the Ship to be wore & to be steer'd ESE by Compass on the other Tack the Point on which he said the land bore at this time from us, at Noon we were in the Latitude of 44°:7'So the So point of Banks's Island bore No distant 5 leags.
Sunday 18th Gentle breezes at No & fair weather. PM stood ESE in search of Mr Gore's imaginary land until' 7 o'Clock at which time we had run 28 Miles since Noon but seeing no land, but that we had left, or signs of any, we bore away SbW & continued upon that Course until' Noon, when we found ourselves in the Latitude of 45°:16', our course & distance saild since yesterday is S8E[?] 70 Miles the South point of Banks's Island No6°:30'Wt diste 28 leags. Variatn pr Amplitd this morning 15:30Et seeing no signs of land I thought it to no purpose standing any farther to the Southward & therefore hauld to the Westwd thinking we were far enough to the Southwd to wear all the land we had left but this opinion was only founded on the information we had had from the natives of Queen Charlottes Sound
Monday 19th PM had a modte breeze at NNW & No until' 8 o'Clock when it fell little wind & was very unsettled until' 10 at which time it fix'd at South & freshend in such a manner that before the Morning it brot us under our close reef'd topsails, at 8 AM having run 20 Leags upon a WbN½N Course and now judging ourselves to be to the Westwd of the Land of Tovy-poenammu, we bore away NWt with a fresh Gale at So, at 10 o'Clock having run 11 Miles upon this Course, we saw land extending from the SWt to the NWt at the distance of about 10 Leags from us which we hauled up for. at Noon our Latitude by obsn was 44°:38' the SEt point of Banks Island bore N 59°:30' Et Distt 30 Leags & the Main body of the land in sight WbN. Course & distce sail'd since Yesterday at Noon is N66:45:Wt 96 Miles.
Tuesday 20th All PM had little wind which veer'd round from SbE to NNE - Steer'd SSW, but got very little to the Southwd on acct of a head Sea, at 2 oClock sounded in 35 fam fine sandy Bottom being abt 6 Leags from the land at 7 'oClock the Extreams of the land extendg from SWbS to NbW distt from the nearest shore 6 Leags depth of water 32 fam at 12 o'Clock it fell Calm & continued so until' 4 AM when a fresh breeze sprung up at SbWt with which we stood