James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 190

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[Page 190]
New Zealand 
water, being distant from the shore between 2 & 3 Leags & the Peaked Mountain as near as I could judge bore Et after it was Dark saw a fire upon the shore a sure sign that the Country is inhabited,in the Night had some Thunder Lightning, & Rain, at 5 AM saw for a few Minutes the Top of the Peaked Mountain above the Clouds, bearing NE it is of a prodigious height & its Top is cover'd with Everlasting Snow, it lies in the Latde of 39:16So  & in the Longde of 185:15Wt I have named it Mount Egmont in honour of the Earl of Egmont ([In margin is written:]Mount Egmont), this mountain seems to have a pretty large base & to rise with a Gradual Assent to the peak & what makes it more Conspicuous is its being situated near the Sea  & in the Midst of a flat Country which afforded a very good asspect, being cloathed with Woods & Verdue, the shore under the foot of this Mountain forms a large Cape which I have named Cape Egmont ([In the margin is written:] Cape Egmont) it lies SSW½Wt 27 Leags from Albetross point on the NEt side of the Cape lay 2 Small Islands near to a very remarkable point on the Main that riseth to a good height in the very form of a Sugar Loaf to the Southwd of the Cape the L & tends away SEbE and ESEt & seems to be every where a bold shore, at Noon had variable light Airs & Clear wear Latd observe'd 39:32So Cape Egmont bore about NEt & we were about 4 leags from the Shore in that direction, in this situation had 40 fathom water.
Sunday 14th PM had a Gentle breeze at Wt which in the evening Came to NWbW & Continued so all night & blow'd a fresh breeze we steer'd along shore ESE and SEbEt keeping between two & three leags off at ½ past 7 PM saw for a few Minutes Mount Egmont which bore from us No17°Wt dist 10 leags at 5 AM steer'd SEbS the l & inclining more southerly, but half an hour after we saw l & bearing SWbS wch we hauld up for at this time the weather was squally attended with showers of rain at Noon had a Steady fresh breeze at WbN & Cloudy wear the SW Extremity of the L & in sight bore So63°Wt & some high l & which makes like an Isl & lying under the Main bore SSE distt 5 leags the bottom of the Bay we are now in & which bears from us So we cannot see, altho' it is very Clear in that Quarter, our Latitude by observatn is 40°:27'So Longde 184:39 West.
Monday 15th Fore & Middle parts fresh breezes between the Wt & NWt  & fair wear at 8 PM we were within 2 Leags of the Land we discover'd in the morning having run 10 Leags since Noon, the land seen then bearing So63°Wt bore now N59°Wt distt 7 or 8 Leagues & makes like an Island between this land & or Island & Cape Egmont is a very broad & Deep Bay or inlet the SWt side of which we are now upon & here the land is of a Considerable height distinguished by Hills & Valleys & the Shore seems to form several Bays into one of which I intend to go with the Ship in order to Careen her (she being

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