State Library of NSW
[Page 188] New Zealand 1770 January by higher lands which caused the deception. At this time we tack'd & stood to the NWt at Noon we were between 3 & 4 Leags from the Land & in the Latd of 36:31 & Longd 185:50 Wt Cape Maria Van Diemen bore N25°Wt Dist 44½ Leags from this I form my judgt of the direction of this Coast which is nearly SSE¾Et & NNW¾Wt & must be nearly a Strait Shore. In about the Latde 35:45 is some high land adjoining to the Sea to the Southwd of that the land is of a modte height & wears a most desolate & inhospitable aspect, nothing is to be seen but large sand Hills with hardly any green thing upon them & the great Sea which the prevailing Westerly winds impell upon the Shore must render this a very Dangerous Coast, this I am so fully sencible of that was we once clear of it I am determined not to come so near Again if I can possible avoid it unless we have a very favourable wind indeed. Friday 5th Fresh Gs at SWt with freqt Squalls attended with rain the SW swell still keeping up we Stood to the NWt all this day with a prest Sail in order to get an Offing. at Noon True Course made good No38Wt distt 102 Miles. Latd in per Obsern 35:0So Cape Maria Van Diemen bore No10Et dist 41 Miles. Saturday 6th First pt a fresh breeze at SWbSo in the night had it at So. AM light airs from the southward next to a Calm & Clear wear. Course made good to day is No76Wt distce 8 Miles Latde pr Obsern 35°:8'So. Sunday 7th Variable light Airs & Sometimes Calm with Clear pleasant wear at day light saw the land which we took to be Cape Maria Van Diemen bearing NNEt distt 8 or 9 Leags at Noon Latde in pr Observn 35°:0 So Cape Maria Van Diemen bore No dist 11 Leags. Monday 8th Gentle breezes at NE and pleasant wear at 6 PM saw the land bearing Et & sometime after saw a Turtle upon the Water at Noon the land extending from No to Et distant 5 or 6 Leags being the high land before mentioned & which is intersected in two places each having the appearance of a Bay or inlet but I believe it is only low land. Course & distance made Good since Yesterday at Noon is So33°Et 53 Milles Latde pr Obsern 35o:45So Cape Maria Van Dieman N25Wt dist 30 Leagues. Tuesday 9th Gentle breezes between the NE and NWt cloudy wear sailing along shore within sight of Land. at Noon Course & distance saild So37°Et 69 Miles Latde in per Observation 36:39So the place we were abreast of the 4th Instt which we at first took for a Bay or Inlet, bore NEbN distt 5½ Leagues & Cape Maria Van Diemen bore N29Wt dist 47 Leagues. Wednesday 10th Winds at NNEt & No the first part a Gentle breeze the remainder
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