James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 186

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[Page 186]
New Zeal&
December 1769
No a little Easterly 29 Miles, Latitude in [Indecipherable] 34:50So Longde in 188o:27'Wd the Three Kings No 41oEt distt 52 Miles.
Friday 29th Winds at SWt & SWbW a very hard gale with Squalls but mostly fair wear at 7PM wore & lay on the other Tack, at 6AM loosed the Reef out of the Foresail & set it & the Reef'd Mainsail, at 11 unbent both Foresail & Mainsail to repair & bent others & made Sail under them, at Noon Latde Observed 34°:45' So Course & diste saild sence yesterday EbN. 29 Miles.
Saturday 30th Winds at SWt PM hard Gales with some Squalls attended with rain AM more Modte & fair. At 8 PM wore & stood to the NWt until 5AM then wore & stood to the SEt & being pretty moderate we set the Topsails close reef'd, but the SW Sea run so high that the Ship goes Bodily to leeward. at 6 Saw the land bearing NE diste about 6 Leags which we judge to be the same as Tasman calls Cape Maria Van Diemen, at Noon it bore NNE½Et & we could see the land extend to the Et & Soward as far as SEbEt our Latde by observation 34:55So
Sunday 31st Fresh Gs at SW & SWbS accompanied by a large Sea from the same Quarter, at 1 PM Tack'd & stood to the NWt until 8 then stood to the SEt at this time the Island of the Three Kings bore NWbW distt 11 Leags & Cape Maria Van Diemen NbE at Midnight wore & stood to the NWt until 4 AM then wore & stood to the SEt at Noon our Latde by observn was 34°:42' So the land of Cape Maria Van Diemen bore NEbN distant about 5 Leags
1770 January Monday 1st PM fresh breezes at SWbS & Squally, the remainder modte breezes at SWbS & SWt clear wear at 7 PM Tack'd & Stood to the Westwd  At this time Mount Camel bore No83°Et & the northermt land or Cape Maria Van Diemen NbWt being distt from the Nearest Shore 3 Leagues in this situation had 40 fam Water. Note Mount Camel doth not appear to lay little more than a Mile from the Sea on this Side & about the same distce on the other, so that the land here cannot be above 2 or 3 Miles broad from Sea to Sea, which is what I computed when we were in Sandy bay on the other side of the Coast., at 6 AM tack'd & Stood to the Eastwd The Island of the Three Kings NWbN. at Noon tack'd again & stood to the Westwd being in the Latde of 34:37So the Island of the 3 Kings bore NWbN distt 10 or 11 Leags  & Cape Maria Van Diemen N31Et distt 4½ Leags in this situation had 54 fam. I cannot help thinking but what will appear a little strange that at this season of the Year we should be 3 weeks in getting 10 Leags to the Westwd & 5 weeks in getting 50 Leags for so long it is sence we Pass'd C. Brett but it will hardly be Credited that in the midst of Summer & in the Latde of 35°So such a Gale of wind as we have had could have hapned which for its

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