State Library of NSW
New Zealand December 1769 [Margin note] Bay of Islands Putting to sea I sent the Master to Sound the Harbour, but before this I order'd Matthew Cox, Henry Stevens, & Emanl. Parrey to be punished with a dozen lashes each for leaving their duty when ashore last night & digging up Potatoes out of one of the Plantations. The first of the 3 I remitted back to Confinement because he insisted that there was no harm in what he had done. All this Forenoon had abundance of the Natives about the Ship & some few onboard we Trafficked with them for a few Trifles in which they dealt very fairly & friendly. Friday. Winds at NNW, a Gentle breeze at 3 PM the Boats having return'd from sounding I went with them over to the South side of the Harbour & landed upon the Main accompanied by Mr Banks & Dr Solander we met with nothing new or remarkable. The place were we landed was in a small sandy Cove where there are 2 small Streams of Fresh Water & Plenty of Wood for fuel. here were likewise several little Plantations planted with Potatoes & Yams. the Soil & Natural Produce of the Country was much the same as what we have hitherto meet with. The People we saw behaved to us with great marks of friendship. In the Evening we had some very heavy showers of rain & this bro. us on board sooner than we intended. AM the wind being still contrary I sent some People ashore upon the Island to cut Grafs for our Sheep in the doing of which the inhabitants gave them no sort of disturbance & in the fame [same] friendly manner did those behave that were alongside the Ship, Punished Matthew Cox with 6 Lashes & then dismifs'd him. Saturday 2. Winds at NW& N. PM a Gentle breeze, the remainder Strong Gales & Hazy with much rain towards Noon. At 2 AM hoisted out the Longboat & sent her ashore before it began to blow & rain very hard this occasioned them to return onboard with one Turn of water but a very few fish. Sunday 3rd. PM Strong Gales at N. with rain the remainder Gentle breezes from the Westwd. AM sent 2 boats to sound the Harbour & one to haul the Sean the latter of which meet with very little succefs. Monday 4th. Gentle breezes at NW. WNW. [indec.][ k& fair wear. PM Mr Banks Dr Solander & myself landed upon one of the Islands on the Northside of the one the Ship lay under. This Island is about 3 Miles in Circuit & hath upon it 40 or 50 Acres of Land cultivated & planted with roots; here are likewise several Small streams of Excellent water. This Island as well as most others in this Bay seem to be well inhabited. at 4 Am sent the Longboat to the above Island for Water & some hands to cut Grafs & at 9 I sent with the Pinnace & Yawls over upon
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