James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 157

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New Zealand

continue as long as it will last, or any is to be got, as I look upon it to be very wholssome & a great Antiscorbutick ~ 

Tolaga Bay [in margin]
Monday 29th PM Gentle breezes with Thunder & Lightning up the Country in the night had light Airs of the land & very Foggy, in the forenoon had a gentle breeze at NNE. & Clear wear. at 4 AM unmoor'd  & at 6 weigh'd & put to Sea at Noon the bay sail'd from bore No. 63 W.distt. 4 Leags. this bay is called by the Natives Tolaga, it is moderately large & hath in it from 13 to 8 & 9 fam. Clean sandy bottom & good Anchorage & is Shelterd from all winds except those that blow from the NE. Quartr. it lies in the Latde. of 38.22 So. & 4½ Leags. to the Northwd. of Gable and Foreland. off the South Point lies a small but high Island so near to the Main as not to be distinguished from it, close to the No. end of this Island at the Entrance into the Bay are 2 high Rocks, one is high & round like a Corn Stack, but the other is long with holes thro' it like the Arches of a Bridge within these rocks is the Cove where we cut wood & fill'd our Water. off the No. Point of the Bay is a pretty high rocky Island & about a Mile without it are some rocks & breakers, the Varn. of the Compass is here 14.31 E. & the Tide flows at fall & change of the Moon abt. 6 o'Clock it rises & falls upon a Perpendicular 5 or 6 feet but wether the flood comes from the Southwd. or Northwd. I have not been able to determine
During our stay in this bay we had every day more or less Traffick with the Natives they bringing us fish & now & then a few sweet Potatoes & several trifles which we deemd Curiosities for these we gave them Cloth, Beads, Nails &ct. the Cloth we got at King George Island & Ulichea they valued more than anything we could give them & as everyone in the Ship were provided with some of this sort of Cloth, I suffer'd every body to purchase whatever they pleased without limitation for by this means I knew that the Natives would not only sell but get a good Price for everything they brot. this I thought would induce them to bring to Market whatever the Country afforded & I have great reason to think that they did yet it amounted to no more than what is above mention'd. we saw no 4 footed Animals either Tame or Wild or signs of any Except Dogs & Rats & these were very Scarce especially the latter the flesh of the former they Eat & Ornament their clothing with their skins as we do ours with furs &ct.
While we lay here I went upon some of the Hills in order to View the Country but when I came there I could see but very little of it the sight being interrupted by still higher hills, the Tops & ridges of the Hills are for the most part barren, at least little grows on them but fern, but the Valleys & sides of many of the Hills were luxuriously clothed with woods & Verdue & little plantations of


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