James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 152

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New Zealand
Hawkes Bay

People behaved at first very well until a large Arm'd boat wherein were 22 men came alongside, we soon saw that their Boat had something for Traffick. Yet as they came boldly alongside we gave them 2 or 3 Pieces of Cloth Articles they seem'd the most fond of one Man in this Boat had on him a black skin something like a Boars Skin which I was desirous of having that I might be a better judge as what sort of an Animal the first Owner was. I offer'd him for it a Piece of Red cloth which he seem'd to Jump at but immediately putting off the Skin and holding it up to us but would not part with it until he had the Cloth in his Pofsefsion, & after that not at all, but put off the Boat & went away & with them all the rest but in a very short time they return'd again & one of the fishing Boats came alongside  & offer'd us some more fish. The Indian boy Teata Tupia's Servant being over the side they seiz'd hold of him pulld him into the Boat & endeavoured to carry him off. this obliged us to fire upon them which gave the Boy an opportunity to jump overboard. We brought the Ship too lower'd a Boat into the water & took him up unhurt 2 or 3 paid for their daring attempt with the loss of their lives & many more would have suffer'd had it not been for fear of killing the Boy. This Affair occasioned my giving this point of
[Margin note] Cape Kidnapper
land the name of Cape Kidnapper it is remarkable on acct. of 2 White rocks in form of Haystacks standing very near it, on each side of the Cape are Tollerable high white steep Cliffs Lat. 39:43 S. Long. 182º:24' W. it lies SWbW dist. 13 Lgs. from the Island of Portland between them is a large Bay wherein we have been for these 3 days past. this Bay I have named Hawkes Bay  in Honour of Sr. Edward first Lord of the Admiralty we found in it from 24 to 8 & 7 fam. every where good Anchoring ~ From Cape Kidnappers the Island Trends SSw & in this direction we run along shore keeping about a Lgue. off having a steady breeze & clear wea. At Noon the above Cape bor from us N.9ºE. dist. 2 Lgs. & the Southernmst. Land in sight S. 25º.W. Lat. in Observn. 39:50S.
Monday 16th. First & [indec.Lattersp?]. fresh breezes Northerly, in the night Variable & sometimes calm at 2 PM pafsed by a Small bit a pretty high white Island lying close to the Shore on this Island we saw a good many Houses & Boats & some People. We concluded that they must be fishers because the Island was quite barren we likewise saw several People upon the shore in in [sic] a small Bay on the Main within that Island at 7 the Southernmt. land in sight bore SWbS & Cape Kidnappers N. 46º dist. 8 Lgs. being then abt. 2 Lgs from the Shore & had 55 fam. at 11 bro. too until daylight then made Sail alongshore to the Southwd. at 7 past a pretty high Point of Land which lies SSW 12 Lgs from Cape Kidnappers from this point the Land Trends ¾ Point more to the Westwd., at 10 saw more land appear to the Southwd. at WbS, at noon the Southernmst. land in sight bore S39ºW dist. 8 or 10 Lgs & a high Bluff head wth. Yellowish Cliffs for w. dist. 2 Miles Lat. obs. 40:34S depth of water 32'.

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