May 1769
about 4 Miles from the Fort returning with the Quadrant this was about Sun set & we all got back to the Fort about 8 o'Clock where I found Tootaha in Custody & a number of the Natives crowding about the Gate of the Fort, my going into the Woods with a Party of Arm'd men so alarm'd the Natives that in the evening they began to move off with their Effects & a Double Canoe putting off from the Bottom of the Bay was observd by the Ship & a Boat sent after her in this Canoe hapened to be Tootaha & as soon as out Boat came up with her, he & all the People that were in the Canoe Jump'd overboard, & he only was taken up & brought onboard the Ship together with the Canoe, the rest were Permitted to swim to the Shore, from the Ship Tootaha was sent to the Fort, where Mr Hicks thought proper to detain him until I return'd The Scheen[sic] between Tooboura tomiti & Tootaha when the former came into the Fort & found the latter in Custody, was realy moving they weept over each other for some time, as for Tootaha he was so far preposessed with the thoughts that he was to be kill'd that he could not be made sinsible[sic] to the Contrary till he was carried out of the Fort to the People many of whom Expressed their joy by embracing him; & after all he would not go away until he had given us 2 Hogs notwithstanding we did all in our Power to hinder him for it is very certain that the Treatment he had meet with from us did not merit such a reward however we had it in our Power to make him a Present of equal value when ever we Pleased-
WEDNESDAY 3.d Very early this morning Tootaha sent for the Canoe we had detained yesterday. & in the Afternoon sent a man for an Axe & a Shirt in return for the Hogs he gave us last night, but as this man told us that Tootaha would not come near us himself in less than 10 Days. we thought proper not to sent them to try if he would not come himself for them sooner.
THURSDAY Some People came to the Fort to day from York Island one of them gave us an account of 22 Islands lying this this Neighbourhood. Set up the 2 Clocks, one in the Fort where in Mr Green & I lay, & the other in the
observatory. This evening Tootaha sent a man again for the Axe & Shirt, & we sent him word by the same man that Mr Banks & I would come & see him tomorrow & bring them along with us, for it now became necessary that we should take some step to reconcile this man to us in order to procure a sufficient supply of Breadfruit & Cocoa Nuts which we have not had for these 2 days past owing as we apprehend to Tootaha not being reconciled to us, or other wise the People takes this method to show their resentment of the Treatment their Chief meet with-
FRIDAY Early this morning Tootaha sent some of his People to put us in mind of our promise & these seem'd very uneasy until we set out, which Mr Banks Dr Solander & my self did about 10 o'Clock in the Pinnace having one of these men with us: as soon as we came to Appara. The place where Tootaha resided we saw a great number of People at the landing place near his House, one among them who had a large Turband about his Head & a long white stick in his Hand drove the others from the landing Place by beating them with his Stick & throwing stones at them & at the same time directed us where abouts to land, after we landed he conducted us to the Chief but in this there was no order everyone crowded upon us crying out Too Tootaha, that is Tootaha was our Friend, We found the chief sitting in the Shade under a large kTree with a Circle of old men round him, he made us sit