Remarkable Occurrences &tc at Terra Del Fuego
January 1769
fathom but in standing in with the Ship the first we came upon had only 4 upon it. I therefore thought that Anchoring here would be attended with some Risk. & that it would be better to Endeavour to find some Port in the Strait & there Compleat our Wood & Water, however I sent an Officer with a Boat onshore to attend on Mr Banks & people who was very desirous of being onshore at any rate, while I kept plying as near the shore as possible with the Ship at 9 they return'd onboard bringing with them several Plants, Flowers etc most of them unknown in
[note left margin] Port Maurice-
Europe, & in that Alone consisted their whole Value, they saw none of the Natives, but meet with several of their old Hutts, hoisted the Boat in & made sail into the Straits & at 3AM Anchord in 12½ Water (the bottom Coral nodes) before a small Cove which we took for Port Maurice x nearly ½ a Mile from the Shores Cape S.t Diego SSW & Cape S.t Bartholomew ( which is the Sº. point of Statenland ) ESE.t
Port Maurice appeared to afford so little Shelter for Shipping that I did not think it worth while to hoist a Boat out to Examine it, we saw here 2 of the Natives come down to the Shore who stay'd sometime then retir'd into the Woods again at 10 o'Clock got under Sail. Wind at SE.t & plyed to Windward-
MONDAY A Fresh breeze of Wind at Sº.SSW.t with frequent showers of Rain & Snow at 2 PM. Anchord in the Bay of Success in 9 the bottom Oarse & sand the S.º Point of the Bay bore SE.t & the N.º point ENE.t This Bay I shall describe when I come to speak of the rest of the Coast, hoisted out the Boats & moor'd with the Stream Anchor while this was doing I went on shore accompanyed with by Mr Banks & Dr Solander to look for a Watering Place, & to speak with the Natives who were assembled on the Beach at the Head of the Bay to the Number of 30 or 40. they were so far from being afraid or surprised at our coming amongst them that 3 of them came onboard without the least hesitating. They are something above the Middle size, of a Dark Copper Colour with long black
[note left margin] Arrival in Success Bay-
hair, they Paint their Bodies in Streakes[sic] most Red & Black. their Clothing consists wholy[sic] in a Guanaese[sic] Skin or that of a Seal, in the same form as it came from the Animals back, the Women Wear a Piece of Skin over their Privy Parts, but the Men observe no such decency, their Hutts[sic] are made like a behives[sic] & open one side where they have their fires. they are made with
of small Sticks & covered with branches of trees, long Grass &tc, in such a manner that they are neither Proof against Wind,Hail,rain,or Snow, a Sufficient proof that these People must be a very hardy race, they live chiefly on shell fish such as Musels[sic] which they gather from off the Rocks, along the Sea Shore & this seems to be the Work of the Women, their Arms are Bows & Arrows neatly made, their Arrows are bearded some with glass & others with fine flint, several Pieces of the former we saw amongst than with other European things, such as Rings Buttons Cloth Compass &tc. which I think proves that they must sometimes travel to the Northw.d as we know of
[note left margin] The Natives discribed-
knoe[sic] Ship that hath been in these parts for many Years, besides they were not at all surprised at our fire Arms on the Contrary seem'd to know the use of them, by making signs to me to fire at Seals or Birds that might come in the way, they have no Boats that we saw or anything to go upon the Water with, their number doth not Exceed 50 or 60 Young & old & there are fewer Women then Men they are Extremely fond of any Red Thing, & seem'd to set more Value on Beads than any thing we cold[sic]