James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 035

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Remarkable Occurrences &tc. from Madeira Towards Rio de Janeiro

Light breezes of Wind sometimes Clear & sometimes Cloudy wea.r. Variat.n 6.10W. by an Amplitude & Asm.th this evening. At Noon found the Ship by the Observ'd Lat.de 7 Miles  to the Southward of the log & by the observed Long.de 30º to the Eastward of yesterday's observ.n & as these observ.ns for finding the Long.de if carefully observ'd  with good Instruments( will generally come within 10 or 15 miles of each other & very often much nearer, it therefore can be no longer in Doubt but that there is a Current setting to the Eastward yet we cannot have had this Current long because the Long.de by acc.t & that by Obervat.n agree today but Yesterday she was 28º to the Westw.d of the Observ.on

Firstp.t  light Breezes & Cloudy Middle frequent heavy Squalls with rain til towards Noon when we had again little wind found the Variat.on by the mean of Azm.th taken this Morning to be 8.52W.t which makes the variation found Yesterday Doubtful.

Variable light Airs & Calm all this 24 hours, at Noon found the Curr.t to set SE¼S one Mile per hour & yet by observ.n at Noon I find the ship 12 Miles to the Northward of acc.t a Circumstance that hath not hapned[sic] for many days & which I believe to be owing to the heavy Squalls we had Yesterday from the SE.t  which oblig'd us to put frequently before the Wind

Firstpt. light Airs & Clear wea.r Middle Squally with thunder & Lightning all round, lattersp.t mod.te breezes & Clear wea.r had several Azm.th both in the Evening & Morning which gave the Variat.on 8.30 W.t at Noon found by Observ.on that the Ship had outrun the Log 20 miles a Proof there is a curr.t setting to the Southward

Light Airs & fine Clear wea.r found the Var.n by a great Number of Azm.th made this afternoon to be 8º.21'.30" W.t , & by the Morning Ap.d 7º.48 at Noon try'd the Current & found it set NNW¼W.t 1 1/8 mile per hour, & at noon found it to set NW.t ¼ W.t 1/8 Mile per Hour the Shifting of the Curr.t was confirmed by the Observed Latitude.
Firstp.t light breezes & Clear wea.r Middle squally with heavy Showers of Rain latter Variable light Airs & Calm & dark gloomy wea.r at 3 PM found the Curr.t to set NNE¼E.t 1¼ Mile per Hour & at Noon found it to set NE ¾ N at the same rate. & the Variation to be 8.º 39' W.t by the Mean of Several Azm.th ~

Very Variable wea.r with frequent Squalls, rain & Lightning by the Obs.d Lat.de at Noon I find the Ship hath only made 22 Miles Southing since the last Obser.n two days ago whereas the Log gives 55 Miles a proof that there is a Curr.t setting to the Northward.

Much the same wea.r as Yesterday the first part the remainder mostly Calm & cloudy wea.r AM Try'd the curr.t & found it set S b W¼ half a Mile per Hour. which is not agreeable to yesterday account.

Light Airs of Wind with some heavy showers of rain Variat.n by Azm.th & Amplit.de this Evening 8.º 4' b W.t at Noon try'd the current & found it set Sº ¾ E 1/3 of a Mile per Hour but finding the Obs.on & Log agree I am inclineable to think it hath had no effect upon the Ship 

Dark gloomy wea.r with much rain the Wind Variable from WSW to SSE sometimes on one Tack & sometimes on the other 

Firstp.t little wind & Cloudy Middle Squally with rain latterp.t light Airs & Clear wea.r a little before Noon took several Obs.ns of the sun & moon the mean result of which gave the Long.de to be 23.º  46' W.t from Greenwich which is 1.º 22' more Westerly than that by acc.t carried on from the last Observ.on & the Observed Latitude is 24 miles more northerly than the Log since the Last Obser.on 2 days ago. all of which shows that the North Westerly Current hath Prevailed for this some Days Past~


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