[Page 27] Remarkable Occurrences onboard His Maj.s Bark Endeavour Plymº Sound
Firstpart moderate & Hazey, Middle hard Squally with rain. the Latter mod.t & fair,Received onboard a supply of Bread, Beer, & Water, A Serjeant, Corp.l Drummer & 9 Private Marines as part of the Complem.t
Little wind & Hazey wea,r sent some Cordage to the Yard in order to be Exchanged for Smaller Several Shipwrights & Joiners from the Yard Employ'd onboard refitting the Gentlemens Cabins & making a Platform over the Tiller & I.s[incidentals]
Little wind & Cloudy struck down 4 Guns into the Hold, received onboard 4 More with 12 Barrels of Powder, & several other Stores, Shipwrights & Joiners Employ'd onboard -------------
Formerpart little wind with rain remainder fair wea.r AM Read to the Ship's Company the Articles of War & the Act of Parliam.nt They likewise were paid two Months Wages in advance. I also told them they were to Expect no additional pay for the performance of our intended Voyage, they were well satisfied & Expressed great cheerfulness and readyness to prosecute the Voyage received onboard another Supply of Provisions. Rum & I.[incidentals]
First part little wind with rain remainder fresh Gales & thick rainy wea.r Employd making ready for Sea
Fresh Gales & Dº Wea.r the Shipwrights having finished this Work intended to have saild instead of which was obliged to let go another Anchor
Fresh Gales with heavy squalls of Wind & Rain all this 24 Hours -------
Dº weather struck Yards & Topmasts, Anchor'd between the Island & the Main His Maj.s Ship Gibraltar -----
Fresh Gales & Hazey wea.r AM hove up the Small Bower Anchor & got Topmasts & Yards --------
Mod.te Cloudy wea.r AM received onboard a supply of Beer & Water. & return'd all our empty Casks Loosed the Topsails as a Signal for Sailing.
Firstpart fresh Breezes & Cloudy remainder little wind & clear at 2 PM got under sail & put to Sea having onboard 94 persons including officers, Seamen, Gentlemen & their Servants, near 18 months provisions 10 carriage guns 12 swivels with good store of ammunition & stores of all kinds at 8 the Dodman point WNW distant 4 or 5 Lgs, at 6 AM the lizard bore WNW ½ W.t 5 or 6 Lg's distant At noon sounded & had 50 fath.m grey sand with small stones & broken shells.
Firstpart Light Airs & Clear wea.r remainder fresh breezes & cloudy bathed the ships Comp.y Muster'd the Chests & Stove all that was necessary
Transport fresh Gales & Hazey with rain, remainder a Moderate breeze & Cloudy
Light Airs & Hazey the most part of then 24 Hours with some Rain
Fresh Gales all these 24 Hours at ½ Past 1 PM Spoke with His Maj.es Ship Guadaloupe at 6AM Close Reeft the Topsails & got down TopGallant Yards