Harry Hawkins and Edith May Forshaw - 'All Australians Had Plenty of Money and Gold Teeth: a digger's diary: his daughter's memoirs', collated by Amy Auster and Arron Wood, 2002 - Page 77

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[Page 77]

Well another year has gone or going and they are all getting older again. Well Albert came home one day and he told me he had seen a nice house in Westmead for sale. So I had to speak to Nanna Wood about this and she agreed that if we got a better place she would only be too happy to let us sell Moore Street, and use it to pay off the other place well I have already paid Nanna £100.0.0 (one hundred pounds) off the £400.0.0 so I am left owing her £300.0.0  She said "that's alright I am not waiting on it, but you best still keep it from Ray and you must buy the house in both your names this time and he may realise he has quite a commitment". So I told Albert and he said "you and I will get the train and go and see it". He also said "if we can get it mum do you think we will be able to sell Campsie?" I said "oh yes we will sell it with no trouble". Well this was a very nice brick house, (correction it was brick front and fibro house, garage and laundry at one end, 3 bedrooms, closed in front verander, dining room, lounge, kitchen with servery and sunroom and a great yard for chooks and oh yes dogs. So Albert said "mum the phone is on so we will have to pay to have it transferred but I will do that" he said. So he put a holding deposit on it and Ray and I had to go the following Monday for the full deposit, holding one would be alright for 10 days. So we advertised our place and told the girls and their father still does not know.  The agent that came down said we would get £7,000.0.0 (seven thousand pounds) for it, but we only got 6 by the time everything was paid etc.. We had (5½) (I am a little ahead). It was in the Saturday Morning Herald) neat very clean and comfortable, luckily the first lady that saw it bought it, and when the people were there Ray came in and wanted to know what was going one, so we told him. He could not say anything as it was his mother's house really. She would have stepped in had there been any problems. The other children went to see it and liked it very much so I contacted the agent up there and asked could they give us another week as we would have the money as our house in Campsie sold. So Ray and I went to Westmead by train and even he like it and when I told him it was £11,000.0.0 (eleven thousand pounds) and we will be able to pay £5,000.0.0 on to it and get a loan from the bank. Well he nearly went out of his brain and to be honest he was not very well at this stage as he had had an accident with the car. But lets face it we finally moved and it was lovely and I got very busy getting it in order and of course the girls were a great help and so were the boys. The fibro at the back of the house did need painting very badly but apart from that it was a good buy so we went  and got things fixed with a £7,000.0.0 loan from the bank. We were able to make the monthly payments as Ray still had quite a lot of stock to sell and I did make a few orders.

Now he got so bad he had to see a Doctor in Parramatta and in turn sent him to see a specialist. They said he had a blockage in his gullet. O.K. he was able to go and sell and help Albert paint the back of the house and I had to strain his food and the medicine he was on seemed to be helping him a lot. We are very comfortable and I have got curtains up etc. Margaret is now at Westmead ........ school and Yvonne is at the Home Science School at Westmead. We have not been there 12 months yet and Ray got very sick and the specialist ordered him to go and see a specialist at St. Vincents Hospital in Sydney. So off we go and Doctor keeps him in hospital for tests and by now my mother has turned up and visits some Sundays and she is surprised to find Ray was so ill. We the doctor saw me next time I went to the hospital and informed me that he had a growth in his gullet and would have to be operated on and the chances were not

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