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I am having a lot of pain and a very big lump in my groin. I put up with it, plus I had very bad varicose veins in my right leg and I really was not feeling 100% as usual. The year is slipping by and they have all had birthdays except Yvonne and Albert. Beryl has now turned 12 and she is to go on to Canterbury school in 2nd at Marrickville High. Yvonne has now turned 2 years in the November. After Christmas I just had to see the Doctor and tell him. So this I did early 1945 and I was told I had to go into King George Hospital and have a major hernia operation. My goodness what will I do so I asked Merle if I got a permit for her to leave school would she like to look after the house and she agreed. Well I was 4 weeks on the flat of my back in those days and another 2 weeks before I was allowed home. Every now and again Merle had to have Beryl home as well. Merle was a very good housekeeper and believe you me she still is. When I came home I was really doubled in two. I could hardly walk but with me being home and hanging around doing nothing, only odd things sitting down, well the ironing was one and that was a help and Doctor told me I was not to peg clothes on the line, stretch or sweep (or I would be back) and these orders were for 6 months. Well I did carry them out and I did not want it over again. Poor Merle I felt so sorry for her as she was brilliant at school and she would have passed her 3rd year with no problems and possibly would have been much smarter than John. But I have said I was very sorry for having to do that and I don't really think for many years she never forgave me. But I am sure she has by now (she is 55 years now but I just put this in as a matter of fact. She is a Justice of Peace now, and she checks the pupils in the High School when the examinations are on and goodness knows what else she does, but I do know she makes some very beautiful ceramics). At this point of time I must say I am a very proud mother to have such good and wonderful children. Well now we are in 1945. the climax of World War II. Great celebrations. I don't think I will put all that went on in here it will all come out somewhere else, but the factories are still working and the men are still away and we will still be on rations and coupons until stocks all get built up again.
I am still getting over my operation but feeling better all of the time. Merle is wondering what she will do regarding work at this stage and her Sunday School teacher asked her if she would like to help her and her sister out temporarily. Well she told me she thought she would not mind and whilst thinking about this for a few days we has a knock at the door one day, and I walked up the hall and low and behold it was my mother. I said "what are you doing here? Are you not going to ask me in. Oh! alright" I said. "come in", so I took her into the lounge room and I went and told Merle not to come in. So I went back and she said "I would like a cup of tea", so out I went and made it and took it in to her. By now the other children are home from school and I know they were listening in at the doorway. (what children wouldn't). Usual talking went on and I said "look here, do you realise you are a grandmother of 7 children and grandmothers don't dye their hair and paint their fingernails red", she said "Aren't you going to let me see the children" and I was very persistent, and I asked her how she found us, she said "oh Ray found me and told me where you lived and all about the family", (well that I did believe because Ray was well and truly drinking again and very heavily now) and she said "she would like to stay and see Ray, so I have no intentions of going till I do. So you may as well let me meet the children", so I said "oh alright", when we came out they all looked in amazement and I said to them. "well you have often heard your father say on different occasions, you have never met your mothers mother yet have you?" They nodded and I said "well this is my mother", and I told
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