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were all settled down and Beryl was by herself in a bed, but Albert and Betty both having phnemonia were side by side. I told the sister what I was going to do and I said my husband was not home when I left, but I will tell him when I get back home. I go back and sure enough he was home. but he was on the bed on the back veranda which we had made a sleepout out of. So I woke him up and said "you had better have some tea, we want to talk to you". So he came out and had something to eat and was not sensible enough to know what I was talking about and went back out the back to bed. I put Merle to bed and she went to sleep and Albert and I finished off some work we had to do and I said "will it be alright with you if I go in the morning", he said "yes. I will look after big brother and Merle". Next morning dawned and I being an early riser was up and about and got breakfast ready and myself ready for my trek. I get on my way and Ray is still asleep on the back veranda. I have woken Merle up and dressed her ready for school as school has stated again after the August-September holidays. Uncle Albert is up and he is going to get Merle her breakfast etc. I finally get myself to this agent at Canterbury. I asked him if he had any houses to rent at Earlwood or there-abouts. but I would like it on a hill. He told me no matter which way you go to Earlwood you go up hill. This place was (25/- twenty five shillings for a week) brick and a big place. I had to go to the lady next door and get the key, so I did this and she said "if you have children, the people in there before had diphtheria, oh" I said. "I do have children but sulphur can burn and it kills germs. I only have a back door key" I said, "that's alright thank you. I won't be long (her name was Mrs Brock)". So I went in the back and walked right through looking in the rooms etc and banged the front door on going out, took the key back and walked up to see Nanna Wood. She only lived a few streets away which was good. She made me a cup of tea and she was pleased. She checked the buses and I was lucky I just had time to catch one to the terminus and a tram to Canterbury. When I got there I told the agent I would take it. he said "haven't you got a husband". I said "yes but he is home with the little girl". I had to pay 2 weeks rent in I advance from 3 days later as I wanted that time to pack. Well he agreed to that for which I was surprised as I he seemed a real grump and as we got to know him he was alright but did not speak to the children when they used to take the rent in later years. They called him Grunter Williams, as he never spoke only umb or whatever.
We were there for a long while as we were paying (£5) in those days rent. We were there when World War II started and when it finished. Anyway back to Ramsgate. I went and broke the news. We had our tea and Ray had not been out all day. Uncle Albert had kept him busy and he had Merle to look after, so after tea we went up to see the 3 children. Uncle Albert drove us up and they were O.K. On the way back I called in and told the doctor and he was very pleased when I said "in 3 days time, good, you could not live there with those young children and they will be alright till you get settled" which was very good strangely enough. Uncle Albert what ever he said to his big brother as he called him I never knew, but Ray stopped drinking for years. Uncle Albert knew someone with a truck and he had all the stock and the big machines patterns etc. to Nannas garage and then this chap helped us move to Earlwood. but spent some time there at the house with Nanna. We lit sulphur in all the rooms and locked the house up for 2 days before we moved in.
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