Harry Hawkins and Edith May Forshaw - 'All Australians Had Plenty of Money and Gold Teeth: a digger's diary: his daughter's memoirs', collated by Amy Auster and Arron Wood, 2002 - Page 35

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[Australian Military Forces Enlistment Form]


Attestation Paper of Persons Enlisted for Service Abroad

Name       Hawkins H.
Unit          Rein 1st Batt (11th, Reinforcem't, 1st, Battalion.  3352
Joined on   10/7/15

Questions to be put to the Person Enlisting before Attestation

1. What is your Name?   1. Hawkins Harry

2. In or near what Parish or Town were you born? 2. In the Parish of Port Adelaide, in or near the Town of Port Adelaide in the County of South Aus

3. Are you a natural born British Subject or a Naturalized British Subject? (N>B> - If the latter, papers to be shown).  3. Yes. N>B>

4. What is your age?    4. 37yrs 10mths

5. What is your trade or calling:   5. Laborer

6. Are you, or have you been, an Apprentice? If so, where, to whome, and for what period?   6. No

7. Are you married?  7. Yes

8. Who is your next of kin? (Address to be stated)        8. (Daughter) Edith May Hawkins, 69 High St, North Sydney NSW

9.Have you ever been convicted by the Civil Power?      9. No

10. Have you ever been discharged from any part of His Majesty's Forces, with  Ignominy, or as Incorrigible and Worthless, or on account of Conviction of Felony, or of a Sentence of Penal Servitude, or have you been dismissed with Disgrace from the Navy?   10. No

11. Do you now belong to, or have you ever served in, His Majesty's Army, the Marines, the Militia, the Militia Reserve, the Territorial Force, Royal Navy, or Colonial Forces? If so, state which, and if not now serving, state cause of discharge.   11. No

12, Have you stated the whole, if any, of your previous service?   12. Yes

13. Have you ever been rejected as unfit for His Majesty's Service? If so, on what grounds?  13. No

14. Do you understand that no Separation Allowance will be ...ed in respect of your Service beyond an amount which together with Pay would reach eight shillings per day.   15. Yes

I, Harry Hawkins do solemnly declare that the above answers made by me to the above questionls are true, and I am willing and hereby voluntarily agree to serve in the Military Forces of the Commonwealth of Australia within or beyond the limits of the Commonwealth.

*And I further agree to allot not less than three-fifths of the pay payable to me from time to time during my service for the support of my wife and 3 children

Date 14.7.15      Signed    H Hawkins

*This clause to be amended where necessary and should be struck out in the case of unmarried men or widowers without children under 18 years of age.



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