State Library of NSW
[Page 34]
[Last pages of Harry Hawkins diary]
line about 400 yards apart as shown above with the Suevic in the centre and we had 6 U.S.Destroyers and the S.S. Virginia as Auxilery Cruiser and when we all got into place we started off. And about 2 P.M two Air ships came flying over us and they stayed there till Dark and about on the morning of the 23/4/18 we heard firing going on . And we all rushed up to see what was going on But we could not see any thing only hear the guns and we heard at midday that 2 enemy subs was followed us for about 3 hours But they got both of them And one Destroyer had to return
Disabled There is 8 Destroyers with us now. When we got up on the 24/4/18 we found that we had left convoy they had gone back to New York but the Cruiser stayed with us. She had 12 guns on her and we had three. So everything went well till dinner time on 30/4/18 when a sgt died and at 7.P.M he was put over the stern I don't know his name and I believe he leaves a wife and 3 children. And on the 5/5/18 we passed through the West Indies and at 4 a.m. on the 8/5/18 we sighted the coast of america And we got to the wharf at 9 a.m. at Colon And we was very eager to know if we were going to get ashore and the word got around that we
were getting leave from 2 till 4.30 P.M. then there was a rush to get ready the people sent a train down to the wharf to take us to the town and it was there to bring us back again at night But when we found out that the boat was not leaving till the morning Whitby Torpey Plante and my self had a good time going around with a Dentist and we got back to the boat about 3.30. a m on the 9/5/18 when we left Colon and went through the famous Panama Canal And when we were going through the Gatun Locks a U.S. Band played for us and the People cheered us all the waythrough the canal. And at 3.P.M.
we got into the Pacific and we steered S.West and we soon lost sight of land again And we seemed to be a bit more sane from Bills Tinfish to Commander English got up concerts for us and only for him we would have had a bad time we landed at melbourne on 6/6/18 and came overland to Sydney and landed here on the 8/6/18 And I got 17 day leave and was Discharged on the 12/7/18 Now that I am back I am not sorry that i went And I dont think I would refuse to go again for the good part of soldiering covers the bad. And I believe it was for a good cause.
Your truly H. Hawkins
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