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which was very good. And in the morning of the 14/8/17 we went down to Whiteall [Whitehall] to see the House Gaurds change over. Then we went back to H.Q. and we got our leave extended to 4 P.M. then we got on a bus and went for a ride but where we did not know. But we went through Ludgate Circus then back to H.Q. When we got orders to proceed to Harefield Hospital we got the underground tube from St. James to Paddington then the train to Denham where we was met by motor car and taken to No. 1 A.A.G Hospital about 2 miles and on the 15/8/17 seen the doctor and was marked for Furlough and at 1 P.M. we got leave and 3 of us walked to a village called Rickmansworth about 3 miles away and we had a very good afternoon. On the 16/8/17 we was inspected by the Major Doctor and he approved of my discharge from hospital and in the afternoon a lot of us went into Denham. On the 17/8/17 we left Harefield for Denham by motor then the train to Marleborn [Marylebone] then the tube to Paddington then we had to chang tubes from the inner circle to the outter circle when we got out at St. James Park and marched to H.Q. where we got our passes and money, and we was let loose for 14 days and I had 37 pounds and I did have a good 14 days too. On the 18/7/17 Pte Robbins Pte Smith and I went to have a look at the largest city in the world. We went to West Minister Abbey Tower of London St. Pauls and a lot of other places. We went in a 5 horse dray and on the 19/8/17 we went to Buckingham Palace Regents Park and Hyde Park. And on the 20/8/17 the three of us left for Plymouth at 1 P.M. and arrived at 7.10 P.M. never went anywhere that night and in the morning of the 21/8/17 we went to the hospital and seen our nurses and then went to Mubley [Mutley] plain to Mrs. Rules for dinner and we stayed there all the afternoon and at night we got to taxi cars and we all went to the theatre on the 22/8/17 went to Bickley Vale for a picnic with the Harriss.
23/8/17 went to Newton Moss by tram train and boat it is on the river Yam [Plym?]. 24/8/17 went out to Mrs. Mayes at Yelverton by train with Mrs. Rule and her Daughter Mrs. Miller and stayed there till the 27/8/17 when we came back to Plymouth and at night we all went to the Grand Theatre to see a Soldiers Rosery. Which was no good. On the 28/8/17 went arround our freinds to say goodbye as we was leaving for Exiter the next night at 12.10 the 29/8/17 left Exiter for London where we arrived at 3.15 P.M. on the 30/8/17 and we went to the Lyseium theatre to see Peg O. My Heart. And on the 31/8/17 our 14 days are finished and we have to go back to work again. Robbins had to go to No. 1 Comand at Perrham Downs. Smith to No. 4 Codford and I to No. 2 Weymouth. So I left first from Waterloo station at 12.30 arrived Weymouth at 5.P.M. and marched to Monte Vidio [Video] camp and we were passed from one officer to another getting our names taken and we finished up about 8 P.M. and on the 1/9/17 was transferred to Wertham [?] camp nearer to Weymouth and on the 2/9/17 had our names taken about a dozen more times and in the afternoon I was on what they call Leave Parade and I with some more was told we could not go out because we had no chin straps. But I got out and went into Weymouth. On the 3/9/17 was inspected again by the Doctor for the 4th time in 3 days and was marked B.I.A.2 that is one leg in England and the other in France and I was put on draft for Perham Downs there was two drafts going one for
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