Harry Hawkins and Edith May Forshaw - 'All Australians Had Plenty of Money and Gold Teeth: a digger's diary: his daughter's memoirs', collated by Amy Auster and Arron Wood, 2002 - Page 18

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[Page 18]

me on to this other stretcher and I told them that I was hit in the arm and I could walk so they took me into the doctor and he was dressing a wounded German and I would rather him have the wounds than me he only had five baynetts wounds in him but the doctor stopped doing him and done me then I with 7 more was put in a motor abulance and we went about 15 miles in this to No. 29 Clearing station where we stayed all night. On the morning of the 24/7/16 I with a lot more was picked out to go away on No. 29 Ambulance train to LeTrepost [Le Treport] on the coast of France then to No. 16 general hospital where we got a bath and clean clothes, hospital blues and a nice clean bed to go to. We had tea on the train but one of the chaps told the nurse that we did not have any tea so she told the sister and the sister went and got some bread and jam for us but a lot of was sound asleep as soon as we got to bed. In the morning of 25/7/16 we was told the rules of the hospital. And at 9 a.m. we were all inspected by the Major Doctors and classified and if he put this mark on your card (©) it meant England so we were all very ancious about it for we could see the coast of England accross the channel. But he wrote on mine (Wait) and so I did wait and the next he wrote C.C Convalesant Camp on the 1/8/16. But durring my stay in that hospital I had a good time and the matron, sisters and nurses was real good to us.

On the 1/8/16 I was transfered from hospital to No. 3. C.C where thing[s] was not to good we had to do a bit of work but that was not much but we could not get out and the food was not to much so I and a chap named Jones out of A Coy 1st Btn volunteered to go to our base at Etaples so on the 2/8/16 we left the C. Camp for the Railway station at LeTreport and we left there at 3.30 P.M. for Etaples by train where we arrived 11.15 P.M. And we marched to the camp and stayed in some empty tents till morning on the 3/8/16 we were taken to the 1st Div. those that belonged to that Division and we were sent to the conveselant part of the camp for 7 days. And that place was not to good so they were calling for volunteers to go to back to the Btn. So on the 6/8/16 I and a lot me [more] volunteered to go back. They told us if we volunteered we would not have to go through the Bull ring that is the 12 days training. So on the 7/8/16 we were fully equiped and made soldiers again and we thought that we would be going straight back to our Btns. again but they politely told us that we would be for the bull ring in the morning at 7.30 till 11.30 AM and again at 1 till 4.30 P.M. So we remained there till the 22/8/16 when a lot of us was drafted out and equiped and inspected by the Officer of the camp at 3 P.M. on the 23/8/16 we left the camp for the station lead by the Depot band then we left the station of Etaples at 4.15 in cattle trucks 45 men in each. We passed through Abbevile [Abbeville] and Ameains [Amiens]. We travelled all night till about 1 P.M. on the 24/8/16 when we arrived at Pushvilliers [?] and then we marched to a rest camp as they call it and it was just a rest to us for just as we had made ourselves comfortable for the night orders came that we had to meet the Btns at Beauvale [Beauval]. We got there at 4 P.M. to find that the Btn. had gone on another 4 or 5 miles to Dulenge [Doullens]  And when got there we found that the train that carried the 1st Btn had gone so we joined in with the 2nd Btn. They put 39 in a truck but there was horse manure 12 or 15 inches deep in it so after a 



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