Harry Hawkins and Edith May Forshaw - 'All Australians Had Plenty of Money and Gold Teeth: a digger's diary: his daughter's memoirs', collated by Amy Auster and Arron Wood, 2002 - Page 113

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Robert and Kathy Shields, invited Mother to share Christmas with them in Melbourne. It was to be a special Christmas with parents and grandparents from both sides of their families. Of course Mum wanted to go and she began to plan her trip in the September. First stop Sydney, spend time with Marg at Pyrmont and then on to Betty's at Wahroonga. Travel to Melbourne by car with Betty and Barrie. 
On the 10th November 1989. Alan and l drove Mum to Murwillumbah to catch the train to Sydney. A sleeping compartment had been booked. It was small but quite comfortable and Mum was keen to show us how the bed operated. where she would sit and eat her dinner (home packed dinner of course). how she would ask the guard for an early morning cup of tea and where she would stow her hat and suitcase. We said our goodbyes and waved to each other through the train window. Mum blowing kisses. 
Seventeen hours later the train pulled into Central and Margaret was there to meet you. Marg said you looked tired, you were not yourself. Mum stayed with Margaret for the first week and busily got to and organised all her "city things" to do. Within 2 days of arriving she had an appointment with her doctor, John Alam. 
Before leaving home Mum had told me that to see John Alam was a priority. During that week Mum saw Shani and met Jessica in the city for morning tea. An unexpected visit from John and his friend Alan Theake had Mum all a flutter, I believe she made afternoon tea for them. 
So now Mum is staying with Betty and her priority here was to make the Christmas pudding and cake. This was done along with other cooking. Mum could always find a reason to cook. There was something different to do each day and shows to see. One of the shows was "Seven Little Australians" playing at the Footbridge Theatre. 

Wednesday 6th December we hear the worst possible news, our Mother is in hospital, she is not well. Before the day is out we have all made our way to Hornsby Hospital. To be by her side, to hope, to comfort, to hold, to love and adore. 

Our Mother died on the 9th December 1989. 

Today is the 29th April 1991 and I have completed your story Mum. I hope you don't mind me finishing it off for you. A good story needs a good finish and I'd like to tell you where we all are today. 

Merle spent the day at home, she and I spoke several times over the telephone. We are going to a fashion parade at Sanctuary Cove next week. 



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