James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 343
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From New Guinea to Batavia
Septr. 1770 the live stock, Sheep & Goats flesh &ct. they pay for in goods the small Islands which lie about a League to the Westwd. of this pays Annually a Certain quantity of Areca Nutts, which is almost the only produce of that Island.
The Island of Rotte is upon the same footing as this of Savu, both these Islands & the 3 Solors belong to the Governmt. of Concordia, from what we could learn of the Island of Timor it seems to be much upon the same footing as it was in Dampiers time which is that the Dutch possess little more of that Isld. than what lies under the Command of the Fort Concordia, the rest is in the possession either of the Native Indians or the Portuguese. we were likewise told that the Island of Ende belongs to the Portuguese, that the Principal settlement is at Larentucha where there is a Fort & a good Harbour. We were told that Concordia on the Island of Timor is a free Port for Ships of any nation to touch at where they would not only be supplied with refreshments but Naval Stores also. Trading ships might probably meet with a good reception, but Kings ships I am persuaded would be looked upon as Spy's. for my own part was I only in want of refreshments & obliged to touch at any of these Islands I should prefer going to a Portuguese settlement before any of the Dutch & when I was solicited by the Officers to call at Timor I proposed going to one of the Portuguese settlements but this Mr Hicks made some Objections to which was sufficient for me to lay it aside as I had not the least inclination to touch anywhere till we arriv'd at Batavia, for my falling in with Savu was mere chance & not design. but to return to this Island the Natives of which are of a Dark brown Colour with long lank Hair, their Cloathing is a peice of Calicoe or other Cotton Cloath wrapped abt. their Middle, the better sort have another peice which they ware over their Shoulders & the most of them wear Turbands or Handkerchiefs tyed round their Heads. They Eat of all the Tame Animals they have got viz. Hogs, Horses, Buffaloes, Cocks & Hens, Dogs, Catts, Sheep, & Goats, & are esteem'd much in the same order as I have mentioned, that is there Hogs flesh, which is certainly as good as any in the world, they prefer before anything else, next to Hogs Horses & so on. Fish is not esteem'd by them & is only eat by the common or poor people who are allowed little else of meat kind. They have a Custom among them that whenever a King dies all the Cattle &ct. that are upon his Estate are kill'd with which the Successor makes a feast to which is invited all the Principal People of the Island who stay until all is consumed, after this they every one according to his Abilities make the young King a present by wch. means he gets a fresh stock which he is obliged to Husband for sometime. The other Principal men make also feasts which are as extraordinary as these for they seldom end so long as the giver has got anything left alive upon