James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 208
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New Zealand
February 1770
Latitude of 41º:27 S. at the same time Cape Koamaroo bore N/2E dist. 7 or 8 Leags. the Southernst. point of land in sight bore S. 16º W. of the Snowy Mountain SW. being ab. 3 Leags. from the Shore & abreast of the Deep Bay or inlet called Cloudy Bay in the Bottom of which appear'd low land cover'd with tall Trees. ~
Thursday 8th. In the PM had a fresh breeze at NNE & Cloudy wear. at 3 o'Clock was abreast of the Southernmost point of land set at Noon which I named Cape Campbell Latde. 41º:42' Longde. 184º:47W. it lies SbW. dist. 12 or 13 Leags. from Cape Koamaroo & together with Cape Palliser forms the Southern Entrance of the Straits, the Distance of the one to the other is 13 or 14 Leags. WbS & EbN. From this Cape we steer'd along shore SWbS until 8 o'clock when the wind died away but an Hour after a fresh breeze sprung up at SW. & we put the Ship right before it. The reason of my doing this was owing to a notion which some of the Officers had just started that Aehienomowwe was not an Island found this opinion on a Supposition that the land might extend away to the E. from Cape Turnagain & Cape Pallifser there being a space of about 12 or 13 Leag. which we had not seen. For my own part I had seen so far into this Sea for the first time I discover'd the Strait together with many other Concurrent testimonies of it being an Island that no such supposition ever enter'd my thoughts, but being resolved to clear up every doubt that might Arise on so important an Object, I took the opportunity of the Shifting of the Wind to Stand to the Eastwd. & accordingly steer'd NEbE all night, at 9 o'clock AM we were abreast of Cape Pallifser where we found the Land trend away NE Towards Cape Turnagain which I reckon'd to be dist. from us about 26 Leags. but as the weather was hazey so that we could not see above 4 or 5 Leags. ahead, we still keept standing to the NE. with a light breeze at S. at Noon Cape Pallifser bore N 72. W. dist. 3 Leags. our Latde.by [indec] is 41º:30'S. ~
Friday 9th. Gentle breezes at S. & SSE. hazey Cloudy wear.; in the PM 3 Canoes came off to the Ship wherein were between 30 & 40 of the Natives who had been pulling after us sometime, it appeared from the behaviour of these people that they had heard of our being upon the Coast for they came alongside & some of them onboard the Ship without shewing the least signs of fear, they were no sooner onboard than they asked for Nails, but when Nails was given them they asked Tupia what they were which was plain that they had never seen any before, yet they not only knowed how to ask for them, but know'd what use to make of them & therefore must have heard