James Cook - A Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's Bark Endeavour on a voyage round the world, by Lieutenant James Cook, Commander, commencing the 25th of May 1768 - 23 Oct. 1770: No. 198
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New Zealand
Charlotta Sound [Left hand margin]
in a few days, even in 4. This man spoke of 3 lands, the two abovementioned wch he called Tovy-poenammu which Signifies green Talk or Stone such as they make their Tools or ornamints &ca and for the third he pointed to the land on the East side of the Strait this he said was a large land & that it w[ould] take up a great many Moons to Sail round it. this he called Aeheino mou[we] a name many others before had called it by, that part which borders on [the] strait he called Terra Whithe, after we had done our business upon the Island [the Island] we return'd onboard bringing the old Man along with us who after dinner went ashore in a Canoe that came to attend upon him~
February [Left hand margin]
Thursday 1.st PM having compleated the Ship with wood & fill'd all our Water the Boatswain was sent ashore with a Party of Men to cut & make broom while others were Employ'd about the rigging fishing &c.a in the night & the remainder of the day had a strong Gale from the NW.t with very much rai[n].
Friday 2.d In the PM the Gale increased to a Storm attended with rain & [?] which came down in Excessive heavy gusts from off the high land in one of which the hawser we had fast to the shore broke this obliged us to let go another Anchor. towards Midnight the Gale moderated & in the morning it fell Calm & w[e] took up the Sheet Anchor looked at the best bower & moored the ship again to the Shore. The heavy rain which hath fell & Continues to fall hath cause[d] the Brook we watered at to over flow its banks & carry away 10 small Casks we had Standing there full of Water & notwithstanding we searched the wh[ole] Cove we could not find one of them~
Saturday 3. Winds Northerly mostly fair wea.r very early in the AM sent the Longboat for Sellery to boil for the Ships Companys breakfast & as I intended sailing the first opportunity I went over to the Hippa which is on the Et side of the sound & Purchased of the inhabitants a quart of Split & half dry'd fish & such as could get while we were at this Hipp[a]. Sapia made farther enquiry about the Lands & Strait & these people confirmed everything the old Man had before told us about noon we took our leave of them, which some seem'd not sorry for, notwithstanding they sold us their fish very freely, there were some few among them also shew'd evident signs of disapprobation~
Sunday 4.th Winds Northerly a fresh breeze & fair wear in the PM after returning from the Hippa some of us made an excursion alongshore to the Northw.d in order to Traffick with the Natives for fish in w.ch we had no great Success in the even.g got everything off from the Shore design.g to sail on the Shore.g but the wind not permitt.g we amused ourselves in fishg.