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Of course in the salt water. Later we got a good clean honey tin and Ray put a handle in it and made a fireplace out side, on an open fire.
Now we have made a washhouse around the side where the store as bricked in and Ray acquired an old milk can so the top was cut off and we still had the handles on it. he built a little grate and that is where I boiled up the dirty clothes. There were five red tiled roof houses along the road between along the road between the camp and Brighton shopping Centre and they were the fishermen. Down the back of those houses was a bicycle dog track for training greyhounds. Well Albert did have some collars and leads for these dogs,and he asked Albert to go and get them and he would try and sell them at the track of a Sunday Morning so they went O.K. One and two at a time, but we always used to say little fish is sweet, or like Anthony Hordens from Little Acorns the mighty Oaks grew. So Albert got the idea that he bring the machine over and do the work there, we did have plenty of room.
Well the two girls are growing and by now I am pregnant again, and the very nice couple came to see us and to see how we were making out. They were very surprised and they had a bag of all kinds of goodies for us for Christmas. It was a few months away but they were moving from Mascot and they asked us if we could use a little single bed and said oh yes thank you. It will fit in our room and it will do the girls till they get a little bigger. The chappie bought it out one day and he had some sheets and blankets etc.. My goodness they were real good people and from that day on we never did see them, and they would not tell us where they were going.
So Ray got busy again to put another small bedroom on and he had Albert to help him now. That being finished and a dog pen to be built now around the back. A Percy Jones bookmaker was at the Sunday Dog Track one day and asked him if he would like to train his dog. So that got finished and started. They went to the tip one day and they picked up a piece of blanket and Ray looked at it and said "What do you reckon about dog rugs". So it was brought home and it was my problem to shape a dog rug. So I said to Albert "you will have to bring the small machine we can't sew them on that one", so while I fiddled pinned and tacked and tried it on the dog etc. we finally got a rug made. Well this was taken to the dog track and tried on the dogs and of course all different sizes, so finally Albert brought home all the gear that he thought would make things easier for us. Well now dog food has to be cooked and Mr Jones used to come out quite often to see if his dogs were being looked after. He was pleased so Ray go a 44 gallon drum to cook all the sheeps heads in a far corner of the yard as by now we had a fence (wire) all around and a gate because of the girls getting down on the beach without us. One day Percy Jones brought his wife and she asked me if I would be offended if she gave me some clothes that she did not want and I said "certainly, not so long as when I have this baby I go back to normal," she said to me "you will. Do you feed your babies yourself." I said "oh yes, we could not afford bottles". So I was lucky she brought me quite a lot of clothes and they were good ones too. I was very lucky. But Ray and Percy got very friendly and so did another Dogman named Burt Furze, a bottle merchant at Redfern, they all used to meet at the Sunday dog track. Now Ray had another idea too, he used to buy a case of apples and of a Saturday he would sell them at the golf