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Plymbridge and it came on a storm in the evening and we all got wet to the skin. And on the 27/2/18 went to Devonport and I met a Mrs. Roberts and she roused a treat at me for not going to see them but it was impossible for I never had the time but we went and had tea with them and we left Plymouth that night for London at midnight. On the 28th we stayed in Bristol for the day it is another fine English town and we arrived at London at 7 P.M. On the 1/3/18 went out to the A.I.F. Kitstores in Greyhound Road to get my kit bag it was there but nothing in it only some mail matter my sheep skin had gone this is the first time I had seen it from the time I packed it up in Egypt. On the 2/3/18 reported back to H.Q. of furlough and there was about 40 of us and we got the train at Praed St. Paddington for Warmister so off we went and we changed trains at Westbury and we arrived at Sutton Veny camp about 5.30 P.M. So on the 4th was classified and marked B.I.A.S. then had to settle down again to camp life on the 14/3/18 was before a medical board and was marked C.I.A. on the grounds of Rhumitism Synovitis knee and age. On the 15/3/18 was transferred from No.2 to No. 4 Coy. and was inspected by a Japanese General on the 16/3/18 went to Frome on leave and stayed there till the night of the 17/3/18. And on the 25/3/18 we left Sutton Veny for Weymouth at 11.45 A.M. We passed through Westbury, Frome, Geovil, [Yeovil] [Getminster?], New Maiden Dorchester these are the main towns and when we arivered at Weymouth we was met by the A.R. Cross and they gave us a cup of tea and some cake and smokes then we marched to Westham Camp and on the 26/3/18 we was drafted to different camps and there was 30 of us went to Littlemoor Camp about 4 miles from Weymouth and when we got there I and Pte. Whitby volunteered for permanent mess orderly.
And on the 29/3/18 I was boarded by Colonel Maudsly and marked C.1 from C.2 which I got at Weymouth Bgd. Major Doctor. So on the 31/2/18 I wrote an application to go to Australia and do service there on the grounds of family troubles and it must have helped to get me home for on the 13/4/18 I and Whitby was put on D.6. boat roll. And then on the 17/4/18 we was scratched off again and I tell you it made us both in a bad humour. And then Whitby was sent to Weymouth and the next morning he heard a Sgt. call my name so he told the Sgt. I was at Littlemoor the Sgt. said he ought to be here so on the 19/4/18 they told me to go to C.O.R. then I was sent on to D.C.R. and then they wanted to know why did not go to Westham with Whitby last Wednesday. I told them I knew nothing about it so I had to pack up and get away and when I arrived at Westham I was put on D.6 boat roll as a M.C. Duty. So on the 20/4/18 we was issued with our boat tickets and was not allowed out of the camp. So on the 21/4/18 we was called up at 4.45 a.m. and we left the camp at 4.30 for Weymouth were we entrained for Liverpool the main stations we passed through Dorchester, Geovil [Yeovil], Frome, Westbury, Trowbridge, Bath, Bristol and Birmingham were we was fed by the British R. Cross we left there at 11.30 A.M. and we went through Wolverampton and Chelteham then to the dock at Liverpool where we went on board the troopship Suevie [Suevic] then we pulled out into mid stream and stayed there all night till 6.30 a.m. on the 22/4/18. When 9 transports streamed out to sea one behind the other. We went like that till about 9