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26th February, 1915

The Chief of General Staff,

I have to forward herewith, duly audited and certified to as correct by Lieut. T.A. Bond, R.A.N.R., who is a Fellow of the Institute of Accountants, Queensland.
1.   Statement of  Departmental Accounts.
2.   Statement of Receipts and Disbursements.
3.   Balance Sheet.
4.   Receipt for cash transferred to new Administrator.
5.   Statement of Transactions General Bank.
6.   Statement containing details explanatory of Balance Sheet.

A copy of a report by the Auditor as well as a minute by Captain Fry, the Treasurer, are also attached hereto.   The amount of work done by Captain Fry in organising the Treasury and Banking business, and creating order out of absolute chaos, has been previously referred to in my despatches, and is again clearly set forth in  the Auditor's report.

On my appointment as Administrator, there were absolutely no funds whatever in the Treasury at Rabaul, but I soon recovered large sums from four merchants' stores, and subsequently received from the late Governor, the balance of the Administration funds, which had been removed to Toma, when the seat of Government was transferred to that

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