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also seem to be doing good work against the Germans & Austrians taking large numbers of prisoners & pushing back the enemy on both fronts.
Saturday 8th July 1916
At Boulonge Base there are 3 Brit. Gen. Hosps., 1 Canad. Gen. Hosp., 1 Aust. Gen. Hosp; 4 Brit. Stationary Hosps., 2 Canad. Stat. Hosps.; 1 Brit. Red Cross Hosp., 1 Aust. Vol. Hosp.; 2 Brit. Convalescent Depots = 15 Hosps & Conval. Depots. Since the offensive has commenced every Hosp. is being expanded as far as possible and the number of beds available is 15007 of which No.2 H.H. can contribute 800.
A large number of German wounded have been admitted into No.8 British Stat. Hosp. exactly opposite us. They are wearing the ordinary blue hospital suits

Current Status: 