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Friday 17th January
In office all day. Dealt with a huge amount of repatriation and educational matters.

Saturday 18th January
In office all day. We now have verily a paper war. Dined with M & Madame Lamotte. Spent a pleasant evening. I again regret my inability to converse in French

Sunday 19th January
Writing letters in morning. In afternoon attended artillery Race meeting at Thuin. A very successful show indeed. With Lt Pope dined at No 20 C.C.S. Gen McNicoll arrived in connection with Education matters.

Monday 20th January
Gen McNicoll visiting unit and lecturing. My electrical masseur ill with influenza and cannot attend to me for a week or more.

Tuesday 21st January
Several callers in morning. After lunch attended Divisional Racemeeting at Bomeree. Quite a good show. A few accidents but none serious. Capt OHara Wood's horse won one race. Late in afternoon visited M & Madame Gobbe, Charleroi. Many visitors present. Dealing with "Peace" Honour list.

Wednesday 22nd January
Visited 5th, 6th &7th Brigades, Artillery and Engineers re Honours list. Platoon competitions being held by 7th Brigade. In afternoon called on M & Madame Luyier at Charleroi. At night dined with our host and hostess here. After dinner visited ballroom at Marchienne- au -Pont, where 26th Battalion had a very fine dance for officers. Hall beautifully decorated and music excellent. I only stayed 20 minutes and did not dance.

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