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Friday 8th August
In office all the morning. Attended dance at night at Bhurtpore Mess. Lt Lindsay called to see Nell and stayed overnight.
Saturday 9th August
General Birdwood arrived at 12 noon and stayed a short time at the house. I accompanied him to Sutton Veny where he lunched with Gen Robertson. Left Sutton Veny at 2.30 and proceeded to Salisbury where we visited Gen Harper at Government House. Gen Birdwood then proceeded to Southampton and I returned to Tidworth.
In the evening attended dinner given by Cricket team of these HQrs. I afterwards addressed them and presented prizes. S.S. Ceramic sailed from Liverpool.
Sunday 10th August
In office all morning. In afternoon with Nell called on Gen and Mrs Robertson at Warminster.
Monday 11th August
At these HQrs all day In afternoon on golf links.
Tuesday 12th August
In office during morning. In afternoon with Nell visited Sutton Veny Hospital and took tea with Matron Gray.
Wednesday 13th August
In office during morning. In afternoon motored to Warminster where we joined General & Mrs Robertson also Mrs Huxtable. Proceeded on to Longleat Park part of estate of Marquis of Salisbury. Here we had tea. Later we went to another part of the Estate €“ known as Heavens Gate. A most glorious view.
Thursday 14th August
Motored to London leaving Tidworth at 7.30 am. We travelled via Basingstoke €“ Reading €“ Henley €“ Maidenhead, Eton and Windsor. Run very pretty at Henley €“ Passed Magna Charta Island near Windsor. Reached London 1.30pm. In afternoon took Nell and the boys to see the Tower of London and st Paul's Cathedral.