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to Orsova. This suits us excellently and gives us a chance to see the most interesting part of the Danube. The General has given instructions for cabins to be reserved for us. Called at Consuls office and had Passport visad. Met Sir Aubrey Young, British Minister. Called at Royal Palace and signed Visitors book. Made sundry purchases. Lunched at Hotel Moscow. Afterwards walked round Esplanade, Fort etc. A very fine panorama tho' the weather and light was unsuitable for photography. Called again at Gen Plunkett's office and had some official letters typed.
Dined at Grand hotel. Electric light failed during dinner and acetylene lamps brought into use. A frequent occurrence I am informed.
Took carriage & boat. Gen Plunkett's corporal assisting with baggage. Arrived on board at 8.30pm. Cabin reserved. Wrote up diary.
Servian troops in Belgrade of splendid physique especially Palace guard. City poor €“ one main business street. Had very interesting conversation with Gen Plunkett concerning relation between Italians & Serbs, blockade of Fiume affecting as it does the Servian people. Serb army still mobilised. Communications generally are very bad.
Rate of exchange 1 pound English = 91 dinar
Sunday 16th November
Left Belgrade at 5 am. Turned out at 7 am. Very restless night. Bed companions numerable and aggressive. Primitive sanitary and water arrangements. Decks crowded with an extraordinary mixture of humanity. A few well dressed evidently well to do people, the remainder Serb soldiers, peasants & refugees. All sorts of costumes. Soldiers smartly turned out. Peasant women in gay shawls and aprons, with kerchiefs for the head. Men wearing all sorts of garments, puttees wound round boots as well as legs. Astrakan and fur caps. Many wearing a light grey (nearly white) material similar to blanketting for trousers, baggy at hips and cut close at ankles. Seams and pockets outlined in black braid. Cargo miscellaneous €“ old agricultural implements and vehicle, hide etc. A British gentleman named Mr Parnell whose HQrs are at BudaPesth accompanied us. He is interested in wheat purchases for British Government. An RNVR officer Lt Higgins on boat last night. He is one of Admiral Troubridges staff, and told us much of interest re conditions of life in Servia and Roumania, relation of [indecipherable]to Serb re Fiume and how the actual blockade of this town is seriously affecting the Serbs. He also gave us details of the Austrian Naval base in the Adriatic (Pola) and of two submarines about to be launched