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Memories of Egypt
unceasing arguments of those, gradually growing near intoxication, men used to order healthy meals after the consumption of which they would lapse into mental absentmindedness and making hastily for the entrance they would obliberate into space.
The waiter on returning for compliments would be greeted by vacated spaces, then frantically flying into eccentric movements he would fling his arms about, utter inarticulate sounds, and then charge the nearest person for the two extra meals as a reparation for past misfortunes ……..
Excursions to the Pyramids, Citadel, Mosques, Museums etc. were always found interesting, and they occupied most of our time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
On our journey to Cairo we invariably passed by the Continental and Shepherds hotel. These buildings are very fine, and have architectural beauty of the interior, together with ornamental decorations and exquisite furniture are not to be surpassed in any hotel in England.
The streets which passed these hotels were always crowded with uniform clad men, and pestilent Egyptian hawkers, manoeuvring to bargain with passers by with what at first appeared to be a very reasonable offer, but after beating him down to one third of the price, one generally found that one had been badly taken down.
Egyptian coffee stalls were very popular