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From Anzac to Sulva
a few casualties amongst our men.
We lay low, and awaited further orders. Everywhere we could hear our men yelling in a strange variety of tones, inclusive of the Maori war cry, as they advanced to the attack along the different ridges.
Prisoners were caught by us hiding among the bushes, apparently on outpost duty, and they were always glad to hand themselves over without opposition.
On our right front the New Zealanders did an excellent coup de grace in capturing a Turkish headquarters camp and a great number of prisoners.
After laying on the hill for a considerable time we were ordered to evacuate the position and led by Brigadier Monash we reassembled and marched in fours until we reached an open space alongside a road running in the direction of Maidos.
We lay down for a few minutes, and were occasionally interrupted by Turkish snipers who were concealed amongst the hills while our scouts made reconnaissance of the ground ahead to see if we could come in touch with regiments operating on our right.
After we had ascertained our position we marched unmolested towards [indecipherable] , and entrenched alongside the South Wales Borders about half a mile from the Sari Bair mountains.