Item 06: General William Holmes correspondence, 1900-1915 - Page 27

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Captain S.P. Goodsell, Quarter-master: Services satisfactory in every way. His Mercantile business knowledge of great value. His Military attainments are also of a high standard.

Captain J.L.Harcus: In command of Machine Gun Section. Keen and competent, and exhibited great coolness in action. His services as a Machine Gun Officer were most satisfactory.

Lieut. R Marsden: Commanded Machine Gun Section with success. This Officer was particularly keen and was selected for special work on several occasions which he carried out with satisfaction. Resourceful and self-reliant. His special knowledge as an Instructor of Musketry was of great benefit to the Expedition.

Lieut. R.M. Sadler, Signalling Officer: had a good knowledge of his special duties, and proved himself a useful member of the Expedition.

Lieut. K. Heritage, Transport Officer: A man of strong personality and character; possesses good organizing ability, and particularly keen in the performance of all his duties.   After I assumed the office of Administrator he was appointed in charge of the large Government Stores at Rabaul, and was also entrusted with the organization of an Inter-island Steamer Service. His Mercantile knowledge proved of great service to the Administration. The whole of his service was marked with conspicuous success.

The following is the report furnished by Lieut-Col. Watson on Company Officers of the Infantry Battalion, with which I concur:-

Major R.H. Beardsmore:   Is keen and willing, but is wanting in Military instinct, and of rather an excitable temperament. On the whole his Company work has been good.

Major E.F. Martin: A keen and zealous Officer; possesses sound judgment and good general Military knowledge. He has been engaged on special work at Frederick Wilhelmshafen and is an Officer in whom I have every confidence.

Captain S.W. Ralston: A steady, keen and capable Company Commander; carried out his duties quite satisfactorily, and can be relied upon to fulfill all that is required of him when acting independently. A Major in Australian Army and sank his rank to accompany the Expedition.

Captain E.C. Norrie: A steady reliable Officer of medium ability. Was detailed as O.C. of Nauru Garrison, where his services gave every satisfaction.

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